Most urban sniper rifle related news are at:

Returning to the subject of LTC (Ret) Dave Grossman 26 Aug 2013 | 01:30 am
I've written here before about how Dave Grossman is wrong about a number of claims he has made. and http://randomthoughtsa...
Egypt, Syria, Russia, USA 20 Aug 2013 | 09:28 pm
Egypt is no different than Syria. Strong man held the country together by keeping the rabble (that would be the terrorists, pick your flavor) down. Eventually the people who got pushed down in the p...
More urban sniper rifle related news:
50-Caliber Airsoft Sniper Rifles 23 Sep 2009 | 02:43 pm
Being that the Barrett M82A1 is one of the most recognized sniper rifles in the world, there is naturally a strong desire among many of the Airsoft community to get their hands on a MilSim .50-caliber...
Airsoft Sniper Rifle Safety 6 Sep 2009 | 08:04 am
It seems to be an all too common occurrence that shortly after a player gets a new Airsoft sniper rifle a strange and debilitating sickness comes over their mind and they begin to do stupid things. Th...
L96 Airsoft Sniper Rifle 22 Aug 2009 | 02:15 am
<< Back Power, performance, and ease of modification makes the L96 Airsoft Sniper Rifle one of the most successful designs on the market today. At almost any skirmish you'll be able to find one of the...
BrickArms 2.5 Scale LOOSE Weapon M21 Sniper Rifle Gun Metal 29 Apr 2012 | 08:03 am
This is in fact the Most Selected of BrickArms two.five Scale LOOSE Weapon M21 Sniper Rifle Gun Metal has a tendency to SELL OUT Rapidly !!! BrickArms 2.five Scale LOOSE Weapon M21 Sniper Rifle Gun Me...
Cheap 1:1 Full Scale Spring Powered Airsoft Sniper Rifle FPS-240 with Bipod, Flashlight, Flashing Lights, Cock Sight, Laser Aiming Sight, Silencer Air... 1 Nov 2011 | 11:54 am
1:1 Full Scale Spring Powered Airsoft Sniper Rifle FPS-240 with Bipod, Flashlight, Flashing Lights, Cock Sight, Laser Aiming Sight, Silencer Airsoft Gun Airsoft Rifle G36 Style Features Spring Powere...
Venom Tactical Sniper Rifles, a Superior Choice! 21 Mar 2011 | 01:24 pm
Those who I personally know are aware that I only endorse products that I fully support. If the product is not good, I will let you know and explain why. If the product is OK, I will do the same. Now,...
New design n features! 19 Mar 2009 | 05:16 am
I added a new design hope u like it. In the navigation are also 4 new pages… Assault rifles, Handguns, Sniper rifles and Submachine guns. Check it out!
Sniper Shots: Sniper Rifles In .50 Caliber 16 Nov 2010 | 04:15 pm
Sniper Rifles In .50 Caliber from Around the World If you think the way to rip a hole in the universe is with Barrett .50 cal then Sniper Shots is the place for you. Let the world know how you...
Grand Theft Auto IV Imprimir 18 Jun 2011 | 08:12 am
Os códigos devem ser digitados no telefone celular de Niko Bellic: .Armas: baseball bat, hangun, shotgun, mp5, mp4, sniper rifle, rpg and grenades. 4865550100 .Armas: knife, molotovs, handgun, shotg...
My New Heritage Rough Rider Revolver 17 Nov 2009 | 05:14 pm
I own several firearms, including semi-auto pistols, double-action revolvers, high-power "sniper" rifles, and "tactical" shotguns. But few purchases have ever made me as happy as the one I made a coup...