Most url alias tutorial related news are at:

Upgrading The Site With Chatwing Chat Software 3 Aug 2013 | 05:21 pm
Gaining more traffic for the site can be done in many ways, most of it through different marketing strategies. However, another way to attract more people to one’s domain is by proving to them that he...
Unique, Real and Pure Social Bookmark Sites 19 Feb 2013 | 11:55 pm
This is a list of unique, real and pure Social Bookmarking Services. That means, they are not social news sites (upcoming, published and top news). Main Features: - Save, manage, copy and share favori...
More url alias tutorial related news:
commerce:SEO v2.1.2 Plus Demo 30 May 2012 | 08:03 pm
commerce:SEO v2.1.2 Plus Demo, mit Produkt-Filter, jQuery-Tabs, Mobile-Phone Unterstützung, Cross-Selling im Warenkorb, Blog Modul, URL-Alias, PDF-WAWI und vielen Neuerungen wie, HTML5, CSS3 und PHP5....
Android Image Part 2 Gallery dari URL 3 Apr 2012 | 03:57 am
Pada tutorial ini, masih tentang membuat Gallery image. Namun kali ini sedikit berbeda, jika sebelumnya image dari Gallery berasal dari resources (res/drawable), dan sekarang Gallery yang dibuat, akan...
Host Your Own URL shortener (Tutorial) 8 Sep 2010 | 10:51 am
Why you need you own url shortener Links feed the web and short links make it a bit more pallatable, but why host your own? Here are my reasons: I like to own my information and I want control. Thi...
Drupal 多语言 url alias 网站别名同步 解决方案 30 Jun 2011 | 08:01 pm
在i18n/i18nsync/i18nsync.module 里添加下面代码可以完美解决 <?php function i18nsync_node_translation($node, $translation, $fields, $op) { /// 337 line if (empty($translation->pid)) { 阅读全文
[Schwer] Design a Car in Photoshop 4 Jul 2012 | 01:48 am
-[ Erstellt mit ]: Photoshop CS5 -[ Author ]: Mohammad Jeprie and Ardhy Moelya Zam-zam -[ URL zum Tutorial ]:…e-illustration/ -[ Sprache ]: Englisch
[Mittelschwer] The Frog - Cartoon Illustration 26 Jun 2012 | 09:59 pm
-[ Erstellt mit ]: Photoshop CS5 -[ Art des Tutorial ]: Photo Manipulation -[ Author ]: AlfoArt -[ URL zum Tutorial ]: -[ Sprache ]: Englisch -...
[Mittelschwer] The Milk Monster 26 Jun 2012 | 09:50 pm
-[ Erstellt mit ]: Photoshop CS5 -[ Art des Tutorial ]: Photo Manipulation -[ Author ]: AlfoArt -[ URL zum Tutorial ]: -[ Sprache ]: Englisch -[ PSD Downloa...
Mozilla Firefox • Re: 주소창 검색엔진 고정하는 법 없나요? 26 Aug 2013 | 06:54 pm
URL Alias 애드온을 사용중인 제 경우엔 인터넷 댓글 중 본 방법인 about:config 에서 keyword.enabled 값을 true에서 false 로 바꿔주니 이전대로 동작하더군요. 근데 이게 원래부터 있던 설정값인지 아니면 다른 애드온 때문에 추가된 설정값인지는 잘 모르겠습니다. ^^; keyword.URL Hack 애드온은 설치하지 않은...
How to Make Sliding Panels with Only One Button (Using Code-Behind (C#) 4 Feb 2012 | 08:34 pm
In my last tutorial I showed you how to make a sliding panel (#72: or direct URL: What I did was to have two identical buttons, one to slide the panel in...
How to Add Settings to a Drupal 7 Theme 2 Jun 2011 | 02:47 pm
In this tutorial, I will create a text field on the theme's settings page, which allows a user to define a url for their Facebook group. This tutorial uses the BlueMasters theme, but the same method c...