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Careers 8 Jun 2011 | 09:09 pm
Thinking about a career in the loyalty, panels or data marketing industries? Why not mail your CV and a short cover letter to us. Jobs opportunities Sorry, there are no positions available at the mo...
Professional CV and cover letter preparation in 24 hours 26 Jun 2012 | 07:57 pm
Let us help you in your job search in a professional manner. We are helping you to write and adapt your CV and cover letter for the position you are applying for. CV writing, CV adapting for a speci...
Creating New Habits – Letter To Universe 14 May 2013 | 11:37 am
Human beings, by nature, are creatures of habits. While this can be beneficial to us in many ways, some of our habits are not uplifting, constructive, or positive. Habits taken to the extreme, in fact...
Letter To Ambassador Froman Cites Concerns With TPP Textiles Negotiations (1.76mb pdf) 11 Jul 2013 | 02:20 am
A letter to US Trade Representative Michael Froman signed by 167 Congressional Members conveyed concerns with the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, specifically the Vietnamese government's posit...
Letter To Ambassador Froman Cites Concerns With TPP Textiles Negotiations (1.76mb pdf) 11 Jul 2013 | 02:20 am
A letter to US Trade Representative Michael Froman signed by 167 Congressional Members conveyed concerns with the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, specifically the Vietnamese government's posit...
25 min of H1B Visa Stamping Interview – No Client Letter, Only Vendor Letter, India 2013 27 Jun 2013 | 11:13 pm
One of our readers, Sathish, got his H1B visa stamping done successfully without client letter. He was gracious enough to share his experience with us. Firstly, congrats to Sathish and Thanks a lot fo...
“Are You Listening, Mr. President?” My Open Letter re: Today’s Economic Speech 25 Jul 2013 | 02:53 am
Greetings, my fellow Politicos! I am sharing my letter to President Obama with you today. While his speech was heartening, I found little to truly help us, in our middle class family’s position. You a...