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Saturday Safety Roundup 24 Aug 2013 | 05:38 pm
In this week's Saturday Safety Roundup, stories of: a 14-year-old in Seattle, Washington who unintentionally shot himself in the leg while passing around a handgun. a 2-year-old in Lilburn, Georgia ...
Sebadoh drops by Seattle’s KEXP for 4-song set, interview — watch full performance 27 Aug 2013 | 06:15 pm
[tweetmeme]Sebadoh hit the road earlier this month for a handful of dates in the western U.S. to tease next months’ release of Defend Yourself, the band’s first new album in 14 years. While they were ...
Best Customer Testimonial Ever? 15 Feb 2011 | 07:09 am
Ode to Larry, Feb 14, 2011 I met Larry in the first year that I moved to Seattle. By the second year, I had made use of his skills as an LMP. It is a decision that has served me well for the last ten...
Mark Sanchez Gets Payback On Pete Carroll For Leaving School Early 13 Jan 2010 | 02:25 pm
Now that Pete Carroll is going back to the NFL with the Seattle Seahawks after coaching for nine years in USC, Mark Sanchez decided to make a joke about it since he was exactly in that position when l...
Best Customer Testimonial Ever? 15 Feb 2011 | 02:09 am
Ode to Larry, Feb 14, 2011 I met Larry in the first year that I moved to Seattle. By the second year, I had made use of his skills as an LMP. It is a decision that has served me well for the last ten ...