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不带验证码的防垃圾信息模块——Captcha-free 24 Dec 2012 | 01:52 pm
Captcha-free: 如果你不愿用captcha模块,不希望在网页中出现那些乱糟糟的验证码的话,你可以使用这个模块。作者以前用于非Drupal网站好多年,很有效,故移植过来了。从我安装这几个小时的情况来看,效果确实很好,我比较满意。所以在这介绍一下。 Tags: 垃圾信息
文字链接——Word Link 19 Dec 2012 | 07:50 am
Word Link: 文字链接模块,这个模块的功能就是能将网页内容中的文字自动转换成你系统设置的链接,这个在国内程序中比较常见,通常都是做为广告使用。也可叫关联链接。比如你在后台设置“Drupa”链接至,那么当文章中出现Drupal的时候,它就自动将普通文本变成了链接,用户一点这个链接,就来到了极域网。这个模块比起国内一些程序的更好之处在于它能指定那些内容类型...
More using drupal 中文版 related news:
What is Drupal? 29 May 2010 | 04:00 pm
In this video I describe how I used Drupal to make The video is meant to be an overview on how Drupal can be used for your site. I go through and show some of the features of t...
Star Rating 21 Dec 2010 | 05:19 pm
Star Rating is a simple module that provides star rating field and display formatter using Drupal 7's Field Type API. read more - A childcare website using Drupal 6 5 Dec 2008 | 11:15 pm is a childcare website that is developed in Drupal 6 and some contributed modules. The site is using Acquia Marina Theme, one of the best free drupal theme. Some modules that are using ...
Site that doesn't use drupal 31 Aug 2011 | 02:02 pm
I recently have been working on a site that doesn't use Drupal but instead uses a very simple inline CMS. The site is called Taking Back Ground Bozeman. It is the home page for a ministry called Takin...
Designing Your Website 26 Sep 2007 | 09:29 pm
At Darcylicious Designs, we can offer basic web design advice domain name purchasing webhosting full web design using Drupal content management system ongoing management of web sites all at very...
3Powerful CMS 24 Feb 2012 | 09:14 pm
Drupal Wordpress Opencart Use Drupal to build everything from personal blogs to enterprise applications. Thousands of add-on modules and designs let you build any site you can imagine. Join us! Wo...
Drupal platform 29 Jan 2012 | 05:53 pm
Drupal books Use Drupal to build everything from personal blogs to enterprise applications. Thousands of add-on modules and designs let you build any site you can imagine. Drupal is free, flexible, ...
Why use Drupal platform? 17 Nov 2011 | 04:14 am
Drupal is used by web developers worldwide to build sophisticated web sites, social networks, and applications. Many different organizations use Drupal to power their web sites and web applications, i...
Welcome to 21 Nov 2009 | 03:47 pm
Thank you for visiting As you can see we use Drupal to run our own site, not only because it is one of the best content management systems around, but the active comunity Drupal has m...
Drupal/PhpMailer - Wrong "From" Name via Contact Form 31 May 2010 | 03:12 am
If you are using Drupal 6 with PHPMailer configured, then you might notice that after receiving an email through the contact form the "From" field is populated with the site name, instead of the user ...