Most using ipad2 as phone related news are at:

Facebook Messenger Update Brings Free Voice Calls to iOS/Android in Canada 4 Jan 2013 | 02:54 am
The world’s largest social network with over one billion users, Facebook, has made a significant improvement to its mobile Messenger apps for iOS and Google Android, bringing voice clips and free voic...
Starbucks Gets Greener with New Reusable Plastic Cups 3 Jan 2013 | 06:31 am
Starbucks Coffee Company is getting a bit greener. The company announced it would start selling a $1 reusable plastic white cup bearing its logo at all U.S. and Canadian locations starting tomorrow. ...
More using ipad2 as phone related news:
Mobile Application Development 17 Aug 2009 | 12:00 pm
If yes, you are the growing number of people who use the mobile phone for more than making a call. The mobile has become an essential business tool/accessory just like a laptop or a briefcase. The mob...
Benefits Of Using A Cell Phone Spy 11 Jan 2012 | 04:34 am
Technical advances have made it possible to come up with programs that help to track human activities in a discreet and professional manner. A suitable example is the cell phone spy software that is.....
Sea wallpapers 4 Aug 2011 | 07:05 am
New cool nature wallpapers for using on your phone.This wallpapers are specially for Sea theme by RozzerX.Credits to him. Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to do...
Industry of Mobile Development 29 Feb 2012 | 09:34 pm
Mobile developers in today’s world have this special place in the technical industry. Without them, it is like the lack of fun or rather the lack of the extra edge which makes the use of mobile phones...
Use PS3 Controller with Android Phones with Sixaxis Controller 12 Aug 2011 | 11:02 pm
PlayStation 3 controllers (Sixaxis and DualShock 3) can now be used on Android phone to play games or just navigate through the phone! Sixaxis Controller is a paid Android app for rooted phones that ...
Why You Should Use Green Cell Phone Products 16 Nov 2011 | 01:35 pm
The green revolution is in full-swing after several decades of build-up. You can’t escape it. Everywhere you go, high quality environmentally friendly products are available in direct competition with...
Skype for iPad, iPhone, Android 18 Aug 2011 | 03:37 am
Did you know that you can use skype on your iPhone or iPad? You can see bellow how you can use it. If you’re not a fan of Apple products you can use a cell phone or tablet with android: Rememebr that ...
Project Oscar – Earn a FlipCam & £100! 28 Sep 2010 | 04:28 am
We are looking for creative and outgoing people to make their own video diaries about how they use their mobile phones in their day to day life. As an incentive in return for your video diary we are o...
Scan2Buy - Fast purchasing using your mobile phone 10 Apr 2012 | 10:18 am
Scan2Buy - Fast purchasing using your mobile phone
TV Shopping Barcode Advertising Banners 21 Jun 2011 | 11:26 am
Scan2Buy allows people to instinctively buy there-and-then using their mobile phone within seconds without having to overcome any fear of telephoning - perfect for TV advertising campaigns