Most utf-8 encoder related news are at:

Script execution order post-mortem 3 Feb 2011 | 10:37 am
LABjs, a JavaScript library for loading JavaScript libraries, relied on one of two behaviours to implement its asynchronous loading behaviour: The browser executing dynamically-inserted scripts in in...
Acid3 update for :link/:visited privacy changes 3 Apr 2010 | 04:29 am
David Baron has proposed a possible solution for the :link/:visited privacy problem. I've changed Acid3 so that it won't fail if you implement his proposal. The following is the diff: A new copy of t...
More utf-8 encoder related news:
E-Mail илгээх PHP код (UTF-8 encoding-тай) 15 Jul 2008 | 04:53 pm
Хэрвээ UTF-8 encoding-тайгаар э-шуудан илгээх хэрэгтэй болсон бол доорх функц танд тус болно гэж бодож байна. function utf8Email($toEmail, $toName, $fromEmail, $fromName, $subject, $message) { $heade...
Файлд бичих. (UTF-8 encoding-тай) 18 Jun 2008 | 09:53 pm
Хэрвээ файлд УНИКОД текст бичих үед бичсэн текст тань ???? болоод байвал доорх кодыг ашиглаарай. String output = "UTF-8 текст." ; try { FileOutputStream outstream = new FileOutputStream("output"); Bu...
MySQL and UTF-8 5 Apr 2012 | 03:33 am
A great list of MySQL functions to work with utf-8 encoding, this article offers all [...] Related posts: How to Fix MySQL Database (MyISAM / InnoDB) Recently I got several problems with a few MySQL ...
Explicación UTF-8 Encoding y porque el XmlDocument da problemas 24 May 2012 | 12:50 pm
La codificación UTF-8 es una de las más utilizadas para representar cualquier carácter Unicode. La codificación usa símbolos de longitud variable (de 1 a 4 bytes por carácter unicode). Es decir, que 1...
RSVPMaker 2.3.5 – Automated Reminders and Better UTF-8 Encoding for International Characters 12 Jul 2011 | 12:49 pm
I’ve recently posted a flurry of releases aimed at addressing a couple of user requests / complaints: Several people have asked for an automated way of sending a reminder to people who have RSVP’ed f...
[BT5-R1] Another Story of Directory Traversal .. 21 Feb 2012 | 09:55 pm
sudah semenjak terakhir Unicode / UTF-8 encoded directory traversal ditemukan pada tahun 2000, hemm 12 tahun lalu.. kemarin gw sempet melakukan pentest di salah satu perusahaan XXXXXXXXX, ada 1 hal y...
Encoding Converter 16 Dec 2008 | 11:53 pm
The PHP Encoding Converter can be used to easily batch convert your language pack to the UTF-8 encoding (or to another encoding type). Over 50 encoding types are supported (Windows, Dos, Unix, Mac). T...
Default UTF-8 encoding for new Notepad documents 28 Nov 2010 | 11:45 pm
Default UTF-8 encoding for new Notepad documents 1. Right click -> New -> Text Document 2. Open “New Text Document.txt”. Do NOT type anything! 3. Go to “File -> Save As… ” and choose UTF-8 under “Enco...
UTF-8 Encoding problems with file_get_contents() and DOMDocument 30 Aug 2011 | 03:50 am
I recently bumped into an encoding issue on a project I was working on. I was trying to scrape some content off a website that had ISO-8859-1 charset encoding, and I needed to capture some text and s...