Most ux prototyping tools related news are at: – Informationsarchitektur und Usability - The Hot Strudel

22 Aug 2013 | 11:20 pm

Irre wie schnell die Zeit vergeht. Es ist schon wieder ein Jahr rum. Ein Jahr (na ja, mehr oder weniger) seit der letzten MobX Konferenz. Auch diesmal haben wir einiges verändert (teilweise notgedrung...

Miele DE LUXE 560 23 Jul 2013 | 03:16 am

Das schöne an Ferienwohnungen ist, dass sie einen manchmal mit User Interfaces überraschen, die man so noch nie gesehen oder schon lange, lange vergessen hat. In meinem Fall ist es die Geschirrspülma...

More ux prototyping tools related news:

iRise Prototyping Tool (via iRise Prototyping Tool) 13 Jan 2011 | 01:46 am

Nice Article. Table Of Content Introduction Description Conclusion Introduction iRise, a vastly growing wireframe tool that has very well stabilized its position among all the available prototyping t...

iRise Prototyping Tool (via iRise Prototyping Tool) 14 Jan 2011 | 06:57 pm

Table Of Content Introduction Description Conclusion Introduction iRise, a vastly growing wireframe tool that has very well stabilized its position among all the available prototyping tools in the mar...

Another great prototype tool – WireframeSketcher 8 Jun 2009 | 06:01 pm

I have enjoyed paper/white-board prototyping for a long time, even made it my teams’ one of first “rules of engagement”. I have also been a big fan of Balsamiq Mockups, and today I would like to intro...

Select prototyping tools 19 Jun 2012 | 07:58 pm

每次系统建模时该选择什么工具总有些纠结,这次又稍微做了一点尝试和调研。 前几天试了一下以前老同事推荐的 FreeHand, 但是这东西还是画图功能多于直接的建模,跟一个原始的铅笔+白纸的组合差不多,画起来还是比较费劲。放弃。 之前曾经用过一下 Balsamiq Mockup. 比较强大的工具。是基于 Flash Air 在本机生成的一个应用程序。 其优点在于界面元素都是像草图那样没有样式,这样...

List of Mockup/Prototyping Tools 24 Nov 2012 | 11:22 am

Started keeping a list of these tools. No particular order. Creately Axure RP InVision Mockingbird ...

Prototyping Tools 9 Jan 2013 | 10:56 pm

Gone are the days of creating paper prototypes – see ya paper and cardboard – now we have web apps and a short list of my 3 favorite prototyping tools! Omnigraffle: Great cross-platform software tool ...

Giveaway: 5x 200 Vector Icons From PixelGlyph 15 Mar 2013 | 01:00 pm

FileSquare is a prototyping tool and a remote collaboration platform for designers and developers. They just launched a new set of 200 well-designed vector icons, which are perfect for iOS toolbar and...

Injecting Reveal With MobileSubstrate 4 Jun 2013 | 02:21 am

Reveal is a cool prototyping tool allowing you to perform runtime inspection of an iOS application. At the moment, its functionality revolved primarily around user interface design, allowing you to ma...

Fries 10 Jun 2013 | 05:55 pm

Fries (github) is a prototyping tool for Android devices. I think it allows you to spit out Android styled UIs just using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Yes, it apparently plays nice with PhoneGap … Descri...

InVisionApp: Now With Sketch Commenting 11 Jun 2013 | 06:04 pm

What do you get when you merge a pretty cool web based prototyping tool with some sketching capability? You got it – InVisionApp. These guys from NY have just launched a Sketch Commenting feature in t...

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