Most vaccin h1n1 related news are at:

Retraite : un compte-pénibilité qui ne fait pas le compte ! 8 Aug 2013 | 04:40 am
Pour la CFE-CGC, le traitement de la pénibilité n‘est pas un coût, c'est un investissement. La mise en place proposée par le gouvernement d'un compte pénibilité, préconisé dans le rapport Moreau prése...
Poissons et produits de la pêche : synthèse des recommandations 7 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
Avis de l'Anses - Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail Le poisson et les produits de la pêche (fruits de mer, coquillages, …) possèdent des qualit...
More vaccin h1n1 related news:
Pet Vaccinations Really Necessary 1 Oct 2009 | 05:53 am
Would you like to save money and have a healthier pet? Let me tell you a story. One day, my German Shepherd was asleep, as usual, when he suddenly started convulsing so intensely that I thought he mus...
Neue Grippe ("Schweinegrippe", Influenza A/H1N1) 30 Apr 2009 | 12:50 am
Das Land NRW, das Bundesgesundheitsministerium und die Stadt Münster haben Telefon-Hotlines eingerichtet: Land NRW: 0180/3 10 02 10 (kostenpflichtig) Bund: 030/3 46 46 51 00 (Mo–Fr 8–18 Uhr) Stadt ...
The Spread of H1N1 Virus 6 Mar 2011 | 10:33 am
H1N1 virus is the subtype of influenza A, which is most commonly found in humans. In the year 2009, World Health Organization declared the new strain that has swine origin to be the main cause of the...
Angående vaccin och influensa 23 Aug 2009 | 01:43 am
Rakryggad skrev den 16 augusti om influensan och det potentiellt farliga vaccinet som ska spridas till hela världen. Men varför är det så farligt? Till att börja med kan man konstatera att den mycket ...
Court Denies Mother's Bid for Religious Exemption to Vaccinations 9 Apr 2010 | 02:35 am
A woman who claimed she saw "God in everything" and feared immunizing her daughter because it would inject "disease" into her "perfect" and "divine" human form failed to establish religious grounds su...
خبر بد در مورد انفلونزای نوع جدید (H1N1) 30 Nov 2009 | 06:38 am
مطالعات نشان میدهد که وایرس انفلونزای نوع جدید (خوکی) یا H1N1 میوتیشن نموده است (از نظر جنیتیک و ساختمان تغییر ماهیئت از خود نشان داده). این به این معنی است که ادویه و واکسین که بر اساس وایرس قبلی ساخ...
Dude, Wheres My Flu Shot? 14 Oct 2004 | 09:50 pm
The United States is facing a massive shortage of flu vaccinations because British company Chrion Corp., responsible for shipping about half of the nations doses, has had its license suspended...
20 faits peu connus au sujet des vaccinations… 28 Dec 2011 | 01:01 pm
… que vous ne trouverez sûrement jamais sur aucun site gouvernemental.
H1N1 vaccination clinic and EMR 11 Nov 2009 | 03:07 am
Our H1N1 vaccination clinics are now running at full capacity, five afternoons a week. All Family Health Team physicians have volunteered to staff the clinics. Family Health Team RNs have been withdra...
H1N1 influenza 31 Oct 2009 | 11:30 am
There are increasing numbers of people with H1N1 influenza reported in the past two weeks. This feels a bit like SARS did in 2003 (my hospital was at the epicentre of the second Toronto outbreak). How...