Most valentine glue gun craft related news are at:

5 Ways to Go Christmas Crafting Crazy with a Glue Gun 18 Dec 2012 | 09:57 pm
Let's face it. Every time you grip the handle of a glue gun, you tap into your deepest levels of artistic flair and desire to create something aesthetically marvelous. Your dream of crafting that perf...
Procrastinating on Pinterest While I Consider a Supply Run 31 Oct 2012 | 08:58 pm
I haven't had much time to craft lately, but that hasn't stopped me from dreaming. What has stopped me is my apparent inability to get to the store. Here are five projects I'm going to get to, I swear...
More valentine glue gun craft related news:
Extra Extra! Craftaluma Buzz on the Petaluma Patch! 27 Jul 2011 | 07:50 pm
For a way sweet and nifty exclusive on the Petaluma Craft Mafia's latest Craftaluma show, lookie here. See you all there! ...
Candy Cane Snowmen 2 Dec 2011 | 05:58 pm
What you will need for this Christmas Ornament Craft: • Wrapped candy canes • Felt • Scissors • Hot glue gun • Thin ribbon or yarn • Black marker • Plastic
DIY Framed Earring Holder (For $5 or Less!) 3 Nov 2012 | 04:28 am
What You'll Need: Picture Frame Craft Paint (Optional) 1-4 pieces of colored felt Roll of Decorative Ribbon Mesh Laundry Bag Hot Glue Gun (Or crafting glue) Follow the bold lettering for... Ra...
5 Ways to Go Christmas Crafting Crazy with a Glue Gun 18 Dec 2012 | 09:57 pm
Let's face it. Every time you grip the handle of a glue gun, you tap into your deepest levels of artistic flair and desire to create something aesthetically marvelous. Your dream of crafting that perf...
Crafting with Kids Mod Podge Melts! 28 Jun 2013 | 04:37 pm
I love doing projects with my kiddos.. and Mod Podge Melts were a perfect project to do with them. **With lots of supervision of course, cause that glue gun is HOT!** So we started by heating up t...
DIY Framed Earring Holder (For $5 or Less!) 25 Nov 2012 | 02:26 am
What You'll Need: Picture Frame Craft Paint (Optional) 1-4 pieces of colored felt Roll of Decorative Ribbon Mesh Laundry Bag Hot Glue Gun (Or crafting glue) Follow the bold lettering for... Ra...
Craft Room Crushes - Thanks Pinterest! 1 Aug 2013 | 06:25 pm
Image Materials everywhere, glue gun sticking to everyone and every thing, pieces of fabric found in every corner of the house and you haven't worn clean clothes in days. We've all been there, locked...
back to school craft 9 Aug 2013 | 04:14 am
I made up a back to school craft for the littles to do for their teacher's(even though two of them have our mother as their teacher :) Hot glue guns + Me =STAY AWAY!!:) LL putting on Crayons for fra...
Glue Guns… with Kids? 27 Jul 2013 | 07:07 am
This was a last minute boredom buster project we tried on a whim, and it was a HUGE success! Craft sticks, a cardboard box lid, and some ultra low temp glue guns were all the kids needed to be happily...
Assemblage Art Dolls – FREE Class 30 Jun 2013 | 07:26 am
by Cynthia Candace Aneesha Assemblage Art Dolls Create glorious and giddily delightful ASSEMBLAGE ART DOLLS in a community of women. Crafted with fabric, the glue gun, ribbons and buttons, beads .....