Most value medical translate related news are at:

It’s all Globish to me 18 Aug 2012 | 12:46 am
It is estimated that there are four times as many people who now speak Globish as there are native English speakers -- about 1,200,000,000. The actual number may be even larger. All of them are trying...
Slovenian vs. Slovene 3 Sep 2011 | 06:14 pm
Is the name of the language Slovenian or Slovene? We usually get this question from our clients: Is the name of the language Slovenian or Slovene? What’s the difference between the two terms? Sloven...
More value medical translate related news:
Portuguese Legal Translation. 30 May 2012 | 09:10 am
Legal translation, like medical translation requires very specialist knowledge. Law writing has its very own language, often using words and phrases derived from Latin and other foreign languages. In ...
Translation For Medical, Marketing, Surveys, Testing, Databases & More 10 Jan 2011 | 12:31 pm
Spanish, French, German, Italian, English and 157 Languages. Medical Translation Translating for the medical industry is one of our specialties. We offer translation services for life science, medic...
The correct way connected with Taking on Professional medical Translations 14 Aug 2012 | 10:37 pm
Many innovations currently have took place inside region of medical research. A lot of schools in addition to institutions do medical scientific studies which involve the study in addition to professi...
Medical Translations Trends for the Year Ahead 15 Jan 2013 | 02:04 am
Medicine is used every day by vast numbers of people all over the world, whether that be taking a painkiller to take away the pains of a simple headache or going through chemotherapy and the consuming...
Medical Translation Services From Karen Schafheutle at Lingualogic 19 Jun 2013 | 01:21 pm
I speak to Karen Schafheutle, a German medical translator based in the UK who offers German and English medical translation services with her agency Lingualogic.
Medical Translation Services From Karen Schafheutle at Lingualogic (part 2) 19 Jun 2013 | 02:16 pm
Part 2 of my interview with Karen Schafheutle, a German medical translator based in the UK who offers German and English medical translation services.
Form input value not translated 4 Jul 2013 | 01:19 am
Hi I have recently found that after adding translator support some form elements are not being translated. For example value of submit. In my configuration submit field is defined as follows Code:...
The No.1 Marketing Mistake: An Undefined Brand is Unshareable 31 Jul 2013 | 12:35 am
“Nothing seems more obvious to me that a product or service only becomes a brand when it is imbued with profound values that translate into fact.” – Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group From F500...
How Might We Alter The Path? 6 Aug 2013 | 07:49 pm
This post was authored by Thomas J. Lewandowski, MD, FACC, governor of the ACC Wisconsin Chapter. Like it or not, the way in which society determines the value medical specialists provide has permanen...
The True Value of Medical PR 16 Aug 2011 | 09:24 am
As a physician, when launching a PR and media relations campaign you can have a number of objectives. Your aim may be to bring in more patients, to establish your practice, to establish yourself as on...