Most valuing web startups related news are at:

فيديوهات قصيرة لشرح تفاصيل الاستثمار في الشركات الناشئة من كتاب فينشر ديلز 20 Aug 2013 | 09:37 am
قرأت منذ مدة كتاب مهم جدا يشرح بالتفصيل عالم الاستثمار في الشركات الناشئة وشروط المستثمرين وكيفية التواصل معهم، ولعلمي أن معظمنا يفضل المشاهدة على القراءة أردت أن أساهم في اثراء المحتوى العربي واقدم ف...
Arab Entrepreneurs In Silicon Valley 22 Jul 2013 | 01:35 pm
It’s so inspiring to see great entrepreneurs keep pursuing success no matter what! Here they are, in the most competitive tech hub in the whole world, few Arab entrepreneurs succeeding in Silicon Vall...
More valuing web startups related news: – semi-finalist for Le Web 1 Nov 2011 | 07:27 am has been selected as a semi-finalist for the Le Web startup competition in Paris on December 7th and 8th 2011. As part of the process of elimination from 32 semi-finalists to 16 finalists we h...
Why we built 'Engage!' - a Rails Engine for User Engagement 26 Jan 2012 | 05:14 am
Most web startups struggle and many fail. For almost a decade, I've been watching it happen up close. As the owner of a custom web development agency I've had front-row seats to rare moments of glory ...
Inkubator präsentiert 15 Startups 26 Jan 2010 | 01:38 pm
Der Inkubator, welches durch Burak Büyükdemir ins Leben gerufen wurde, präsentiert am 30.01.2010 in der Universität Bahcesehir Istanbul, die 15 Web Startups, welche dieses Jahr unterstützt ...
Front Page 30 Jul 2009 | 12:25 am
UK Business Web Hosting & Joomla Hosting from Patrick Internet, based in Bristol Patrick internet offers great value web hosting and Joomla Hosting packages for personal and business web hosting requ...
SmallBizPod #94 – Wendy Tan White and the Moonfruit story 8 Dec 2009 | 04:38 am
This week SmallBizPod #94, the small business podcast includes an interview with Wendy Tan White, co-founder in 1999 of Moonfruit. A fascinating story of a decade of business and web startup survival ...
SmallBizPod #92 – web startups, shooting for the moon or nailing the business model? 12 Nov 2009 | 10:55 pm
This week SmallBizPod #92, the podcast for startups and entrepreneurs, focuses on the world of UK web startups, funding in the current climate, and the dilemma of shooting for the moon or building rev...
Come Visit me at 1 Apr 2012 | 03:53 am
I am writing a column for called The Social Beat. Everything I write related to Social media, the web, startups and the tech sector will appear there. It will be the primary venue for my on...
Should Your Web Startup Avoid Providing Telephone Support? 11 May 2011 | 07:25 am
There are many apparently very important web businesses which don’t provide customer support. At least not the expensive telephone variety of support. Facebook or Amazon for example. Even consumer web...
So, you want to start a web startup? 26 Nov 2010 | 01:00 pm
Ohne Worte. Einfach nur genial
iBranch gets reviewed on 'Indian Web Startups' 6 Jan 2010 | 09:42 pm
Happy New Year world citizens! Yesterday we got a nice new year gift from, an encouraging review of iBranch service. Checkout this link to read the review. Thanks a lot to Indi...