Most vat norway internet related news are at:

Instant Article Wizard 3 45% off – 5 days special 17 Jan 2011 | 07:35 pm
Instant Article Wizard 3 has benn lauched and is available at a 45% discount for the next 5 days. I have been lucky enough to beta test version 3 of Instant Article Wizard. And I can really say there...
Norway proposes to impose VAT on the purchase of e-books abroad 9 Oct 2010 | 03:03 am
The Norwegian Government proposes to impose VAT on the purchase of electronic services abroad. That means sales tax on e-books, e-magazines, games and other software. This also applies to music servi...
More vat norway internet related news:
Sinh viên quốc tế có thể ở lại Australia làm việc thêm 4 năm 27 Sep 2011 | 03:57 pm
rao vat mien phi, may duoi toc,lap dat internet fpt,dang ky internet fpt,lap dat internet vnpt,lap dat cap quang vnpt,cua luoi chong muoi,co nhan tao,du lich campuchia,du lich thai lan,du lich singap...
Islamophobia in Norway 15 Dec 2007 | 12:28 pm
The picture above is a screen shot from a Norwegian facebook page on the internet. For those of you that cannot read Norwegian and I presume most of you can't I have writen the original text below and...
Didžiausias guminis kirminas 11 Jan 2012 | 09:26 pm
Vat kokį įdomų video užtikau internete Manau būtų labai gera gimtadienio dovana, tačiau kaina šiek tiek kandžiojasi - 27.99 doleriai už vieną.
Norway proposes to impose VAT on the purchase of e-books abroad 9 Oct 2010 | 03:03 am
The Norwegian Government proposes to impose VAT on the purchase of electronic services abroad. That means sales tax on e-books, e-magazines, games and other software. This also applies to music servi...
Buying Silver Coins in Zero VAT EU countries 5 Sep 2012 | 02:13 am
The comparison table shows prices of Silver from various sources taken on 04 Sep 2012, mostly relating to purchasing silver coins. I had been investigating going to Estonia or Norway to purchase silve...
Banglalink Internet Packages 15 Sep 2012 | 09:11 am
currently banglalink is providing following gprs packages duration who can buy pack id package details package price (excluding vat) monthly packs postpaid, prepaid, call & control p2 unlimit...
Internet Essentials: Comcast (a new program that will offer discounted Internet access $9.95 per month plus taxes) Joins Effort to Bridge Digital Divi... 6 Dec 2012 | 03:24 pm
Basic Internet: companies Comcast (the new program provides $ 9.95 per month plus VAT discount for Internet access) to create a bridge digital divide initiatives your ads here Comcast is the process ...
Internet Explorer and HMRC – this file could not be downloaded 28 Dec 2012 | 06:25 pm
If you are unable to download P60, CT100 or VAT forms from the HMRC website, you may need to check that Adobe Reader is working correctly. Often, an issue with the installation will mean the PDF file ...
Dedicated desk space for £150 per month 27 Feb 2013 | 10:51 am
The Watermark now offers you a dedicated desk in a communal studio for £150+vat per month. This includes desk, chair, high speed internet, electricity, heating etc. etc. Come and meet the guys already...
Internet Marketing and VAT, do you need to Register? Lessons Shared from a Compliance Check 1 May 2013 | 05:32 pm
This is a very UK specific post (though if you’re reading from elsewhere I’d suggest seeking some professional taxation advice). Also I’m not a qualified (or unqualified) accountant so bear that in mi...