Most vedic time cycles related news are at:

The next Time and Cycles (T&C) Cluster is on August 16-19 Low of the Month 16 Aug 2013 | 09:09 am In my last blog post, I was looking for an 8/2 High and then "a decline into my next Tim...
Time and Cycles Review and Forecast 8 Aug 2013 | 06:37 pm In my 7/27 blog post, I had a 7/26-29 Time and Cycles (T&C) Cluster Change in Trend (CIT), which became the 7/26 Low. From ...
More vedic time cycles related news:
On coalition governments 17 Apr 2009 | 08:33 pm
Mr.Venkatesan Vembu argues over at DNA that Shaky coalitions make for good economies: For starters, it's no coincidence that the time-cycle of India's move into a higher orbit of economic growth matc...
manifesto 7 Apr 2013 | 04:36 pm
tadi time cycling dalam hujan, aku tetiba terfikir nak update pasal mcm2. actually i was quite upset sbb acct multiply aku dah takdek, thus a lot of early, pre-fb adelaide pics are gone somewhere floa...
Stock Market Forecast Update 23 May 2013 | 11:18 am
I commence with my gratitude to The Creator. In my May 13th post, I had stated. " There are many time cycles converging during the time frame of 2nd to 3rd week of May (May 14-21). Thus this... [[ T...
Financial Markets Forecast Update 24 May 2013 | 08:24 am
I commence with my gratitude to The Creator Markets Continue Their Slide to The Downside Across the Globe: European Markets were bathing in red for second day after the time cycle had been... [[ Th...
Cycling With in the Irish Times 17 Jun 2013 | 04:42 pm
Cycling With in the Irish Times So nice – I got a mentioning in the Irish Times today. Together with my friend Paddy Cahill. With all the work that goes into shooting our cycling films, I haven’t foun...
Stock Market Forecast Update 23 May 2013 | 11:18 am
I commence with my gratitude to The Creator. In my May 13th post, I had stated. " There are many time cycles converging during the time frame of 2nd to 3rd week of May (May 14-21). Thus this... [[ T...
Financial Markets Forecast Update 24 May 2013 | 08:24 am
I commence with my gratitude to The Creator Markets Continue Their Slide to The Downside Across the Globe: European Markets were bathing in red for second day after the time cycle had been... [[ Th...
Gadling gets desperate, brings me on as new travel blogger 26 Mar 2013 | 04:17 pm
My goal of becoming a full-time cycling and outdoor travel writer is one step closer. I'm the newest blogger for Gadling, one of the most popular and influential travel blog on the interwebs. Check ou...
How Accurate is that Calorie Reading? 8 Aug 2013 | 08:16 am
In my daily routine as a full-time cycling coach I spend ample time analyzing workout files. One of the most common items I address is energy - both intake and expenditure. Often the topic is not init...
Yuganaut - This Musicship, 2006 (Avant-Garde Jazz) 24 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
1. Running 4:58 2. Stumblechuck 6:10 3. Channeling 4:18 4. Whacked in the Head 4:01 5. Time Cycle 10:15 6. Internal/External 4:22 7. Missing Limbs 3:19 8. Stimulus 3:09 9. Gobble Gobble 9:43 10. State...