Most veggie tales red guy related news are at:
– Giving Up on Perfect | Mary Carver
Nancy Drew: The Gateway Book? 26 Aug 2013 | 11:20 am
This was the conversation we had last night at dinner: “Annalyn, put your phone down.” “But, Mom, it’s beeping. I need to check it.” “Annalyn, do you see your mom and I staring at our phones during...
Weekend Links, 8.24.13 24 Aug 2013 | 11:18 am
All right, friends, I have a confession. I’m a big fan of Ben Affleck, and I will absolutely watch him in a Batman movie. Whew. Glad to get that off my chest. {And if you don’t know what I’m talking...
More veggie tales red guy related news:
Seeing Redhead? 21 Sep 2009 | 01:50 am
After reading this interesting post by a guy explaining the attraction to women with red hair, I figured I'd weigh in with my own tale of the tresses. Like many of us, I did something drastic after a...