Most verbiage related news are at:

Move the viewport, not the world! 23 Apr 2012 | 02:45 am
Two separate posts on drew my attention. It appears that some game programmers are getting it WRONG. Superficially, it seems that in some games (think of scrolling games wit...
Expecting the unexpected 24 May 2011 | 07:19 am
Few developers consider, when trying to build robust platforms, all the possible modes of failure. Indeed, it is difficult to consider them all, let alone plan for them, or design tests which exercise...
More verbiage related news:
By Howard Tucker and Stubbleyou In the Las Vegas production of “Jersey Boys,” verbiage was appropriately changed from “So the next time you’re in Vegas…” to “So while you’re in Vegas…” Similarly, on...
Building value with verbiage 3 Feb 2009 | 07:22 pm
Souren Melikian in his IHT column has been fustigating several times lately the irritating tendency of auction houses to accompany their sales with an ever more profuse logorrhea. Hired intellectuals ...
Experience Unlimited - The job club you can't live without 29 Dec 2008 | 04:22 am
First I want to share with you the verbiage right off the Experience Unlimited website at What is Experience Unlimited? Many professional, managerial and technical work...
Timing – Golf Instruction Lesson 10 Jun 2011 | 07:04 am
Timing – Golf Instruction Lesson I want to review something with you that I consider to be one of the, I don’t know, I think it’s one of the most misunderstood verbiage’s or terminology’s in all of g...
Techniques of Speed Hypnosis by Harry Arons , Len Leonards 13 Jun 2012 | 07:42 pm
The other purpose is to present the best techniques for inducing speedy or instantaneous hypnosis in as clear, understandable and concise a manner as possible. No padding of verbiage has been used,...
The Big Date – March 15th, 2013 – UPDATED, XMPP till Oct, other applications till Mar 2014 9 Jan 2013 | 01:16 pm
As you probably have received via e-mail prior to reading this, Microsoft has finally decided on the date its shutting down Messenger – March 15, 2013. Besides including the date, the verbiage of the ...
Grow Your Business Through Content 21 Apr 2013 | 10:13 pm
After just a few months of providing copywriting services in Miami, we noticed the importance that language has on the success of a business. The right verbiage can define the difference between a sim...
The Yin and Yang of Cloud Verbiage 1 Jul 2013 | 10:01 pm
Not a week goes by that I don’t see another example of two kinds of articles. The first goes something like this, ‘there is too much cloud hype. Enterprise isn’t moving as quickly to a cloud model as ...
Buffalo Clover all over Nashville this August 26 Jul 2013 | 09:09 am
Keywords in the bio of Buffalo Clover include: garage, Motown, acid, boxcar, gypsy, Vaudevillian, folk, and train wreck, and make me wish I had some sort of point system for verbiage. Within all of t...
not my will, but your will… 13 Aug 2013 | 09:07 pm
“Not my will, but thy will be done.” It’s a phrase I’ve heard a million times before and if I’m honest, I think I’ve diluted the power of the phrase by sheer usage of Christianese verbiage. It’s beco...