Most verizon text email address related news are at:

Just Pre-Ordered Microsoft Surface 25 Oct 2012 | 01:00 am
I have been using the first generation iPad (sim version) for the last several years and finally have decided to go back to a Microsoft for a test. The iPad is okay but Safari sucks as far as I am con...
HTC, Microsoft Unveil 'Signature' Windows 8 PhonesNewsFactor 20 Sep 2012 | 10:02 pm
(From Newsfactor) HTC's Windows Phone 8X has a Qualcomm S4 1.5 gigahertz, dual-core processor with one gigabyte of RAM, weighs 130 grams, ships with 16 GB of memory (expandable with microSD) and has a...
More verizon text email address related news:
PHP: Converting URLs and Email Addresses into HTML Links 12 Nov 2011 | 04:32 pm
Recently, I needed to find a way to search a text string and convert any URLs and/or email addresses contained within that string (including plain old ‘www’ web addresses) into proper HTML links. Thi...
CONTACT 12 Feb 2011 | 07:54 pm
CONTACT US Your Name: Your Email Address: Phone Number: Your Message: PHONE Tel: (201) 460-7771 Fax: (201) 460-1990 ADDRESS 645 Washington Ave Carlstadt, NJ 0707...
Email security and tips to protect your computer 6 Oct 2007 | 02:13 am
Email service is often abused because of its democratic nature. When user publishes email address as text on the website it takes only a few days for pharmaceutical, scam or other type of email spam t...
Obfuscating Email Addresses 22 Mar 2011 | 07:38 am
I’ve long held that putting a plain text email on a website is not a good idea. Even with being careful like this I’m inundated with a large amount of Spam. While I don’t put my email address online i...
How to increase the accuracy of your customer’s email address. | Incorrect customer email address 11 May 2011 | 05:15 am
Customer e-mail error rates can run as high as 20%. How can you reduce these errors? Look at the text box on your sign-up page… is it long enough? If your customers can’t see their entire e-mail addr...
Presidents Spokesperson Account Hacked ! 25 Nov 2011 | 04:54 am
Recently, just after the resignation of Hussain Haqani (Former Pakistani ambassador to USA) the email address of Presidents Spokesperson Farhatullah Babar was hacked. Text of a “Memo” was sent from i...
Contact 25 Apr 2010 | 06:28 pm
Your Name Your Email Address Subject Message Image Verification Please enter the text from the image: [ Refresh Image ] [ What's This? ] Powered by EMF Web Forms
What’s New… 16 Nov 2008 | 07:40 pm
Welcome! Currently, the following are the new UPDATES to the site: 1. Webmail. You can now have your own email address (example: Please email me at or text ...
Submit Your Site For Free 5 Feb 2009 | 09:12 pm
Your Name Email Address Blog Title Blog URL Description Category Image Verification Please enter the text from the image: [ Refresh Image ] [ What's This? ]
SENDING TEXT & PICS TO YOUR CELL 29 Aug 2007 | 02:47 am
If you want to send a picture from your cell phone to your email, easy right. Just enter the email address when sending a camera shot and voila', done. How about the other direction. Say you took thi...