Most vertex buffer object related news are at:

MASReceipt Validation for Direct Sale Apps 8 Jul 2013 | 10:35 pm
License validation of applications purchased through the Mac App Store is achieved by requesting and validating MASReceipt files. It's a rather nice system, fairly simple to implement, and reasonably ...
Making the NetNewsWire 4 App Icon 26 Jun 2013 | 10:00 pm
With the release of NetNewsWire 4 Public Beta, we wanted to overhaul and modernize NetNewsWire’s app icon as much as the rest of the app. We didn’t throw out everything — the color scheme and satellit...
More vertex buffer object related news:
5. OpenGL 4 Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) for Color 10 Feb 2011 | 11:29 pm
Because OpenGL 3.x and OpenGL 4.x deprecated and then removed virtually all of the fixed function pipeline, how do we colour our polygons these days?. This tutorial will show you how to use two Vertex...
Another Tutorial 16 Dec 2010 | 07:50 pm
Hey all, As promised, I have put up a new tutorial, this time for OpenGL 3.x and 4.x showing how to use VAO’s and VBOS (Vertex Array Objects and Vertex Buffer Objects) to render geometry to the screen...
JRuby, LWJGL & OpenGL - Getting Started with Shaders 14 Jan 2013 | 06:30 am
In Part 2 we drew a triangle using a Vertex Buffer, and some basic shaders. While on the surface this can seem overtly complicated, it actually becomes the basis of a powerful OpenGL achitecture to en...
4. OpenGL 4 Vertex Array Objects (VAO) 16 Dec 2010 | 07:41 pm
OpenGL 3.x and OpenGL 4.x deprecated virtually all client side rendering calls such as glEnable(GL_TRIANGLES) and glVertex3f, so how do we render things these days?. This tutorial will show you how to...
Base-N Serialization and Encoding in Javascript 17 Jul 2011 | 09:23 am
per wikipedia, serialization is the process of converting a data structure or object state into a format that can be stored (for example, in a file or memory buffer, or transmitted across a network co...
More Tessellated Terrain 26 Aug 2011 | 05:07 am
Just a quick note about some small changes I made to the terrain object in Haze. Originally its initialization code just created a single quad made of two triangles with an index buffer in the form {0...
View Frustum Culling of Sphere-mapped Terrain 17 Nov 2012 | 07:05 pm
View frustum culling is quite important part of any 3D engine, more so of engines focusing on a large scale terrain rendering. For objects we are using a variant of “p/n vertex” approach for culling o...
Download Turkish Grammar Worksheets: The use of – n – suffix 18 Feb 2013 | 12:56 pm
Most of my students usually have a problem with the use of -n- suffix used as a buffer with the suffixes for definite object, [...] Related Posts: Download Turkish Grammar Worksheets: To, At, From i...
Cinema 4D Quick Tip 05: Using The Matte Object When Forgetting to Render an Object Buffer 19 Mar 2013 | 06:30 pm
In this Cinema 4D quick tip, I’ll be going over the Matte Object. This feature is crucial for when you realize you accidentally forgot to set an Object Buffer in your scene after you rendered everyth...
Logarithmic depth buffer optimizations & fixes 18 Jul 2013 | 11:58 pm
An updated logarithmic depth equation (vertex shader): //assuming gl_Position was already computed gl_Position.z = log2(max(1e-6, 1.0 + gl_Position.w)) * Fcoef - 1.0; Where Fcoef is a consta...