Most victims bosnian war civilians related news are at:
– We Remember the Bosnian Genocide, 1992-95. Mi se Sjećamo Genocida u Bosni, 1992-95. | Bosnian Genocide (1992-95), Genocid nad Bošnjacima (1992-95), Bosanski Genocid (1992-95), Genocid u Bosni (1992-95)
1992 Djulici Massacre (Bosnia), “I lost 38 members of my family that day” 24 Aug 2013 | 08:53 am
Huge Bosnian Mass Grave Yields Remains of Missing Star-News, Aug 7, 2003, p. 12A. By Almir Arnaut (AP) — MEMICI, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA | Forensic experts gently placed skulls, bones and clothing into p...
Srebrenica: Of 8,372 Killed, Almost 7,000 Victims Now Identified 23 Aug 2013 | 10:48 am
Srebrenica: map of primary & secondary mass graves. Source: The International Criminal Tribunal. In his evidence at the trial of Ratko Mladic, former Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) investigator Dusan...
More victims bosnian war civilians related news:
Marjorie Cohn and Jeanne Mirer, "The Struggle Continues: Seeking Compensation for Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims, 52 Years On" 10 Aug 2013 | 08:08 am
The use of Agent Orange on civilian populations violates the laws of war; yet no one has been held to account. Taxpayers pick up the tab of the Agent Orange Compensation fund for U.S. veterans at a co...