Most victor fernandez related news are at:

ERRORES comunes en la Gestion de Servicios TIC !!! 29 Jul 2013 | 02:03 am
Habitualmente la Gestion de Servicios TIC es una responsabilidad de gestion y de gobierno poco madura en las Organizaciones IT. Sin embargo, aquellas Organizaciones IT que ya han tomado la decision de...
La Oficina De Gestion de Servicios (SMO) y el Cloud Computing !!! 9 Jun 2013 | 04:38 pm
Aprovecho este articulo para transmitir que el pasado 28 de Mayo tuve la oportunidad de poder participar como ponente en el VIII Congreso Academico Internacional del itSMF, junto con varios compañeros...
More victor fernandez related news:
The Chilean Coast 27 Feb 2012 | 11:49 am
This is a video made by Klaas Voget that features he and Victor Fernandez. Together, two of the best wavesailors in the world. The video shows what I consider pretty typical days at Matanzas and Topoc...
Fanatic | Victor Fernandez Maui Webisode 2012 13 Jun 2012 | 03:50 pm
Fanatic released a Maui webisode of their highest-ranking wavesailor Victor Fernandez who is currently training in Gran Canaria. 'I was on Maui training before and after our annual Fanatic/NorthSails...
Below the Surface – Teaser Victor Fernandez 26 Aug 2013 | 04:22 pm
The Below the Surface team has released a first 1:30 min. teaser featuring Victor Fernandez on Maui. Watch the teaser.
"Below The Surface" - Victor on Maui Teaser 26 Aug 2013 | 03:14 pm
The time has come for the first teaser of Andre Paskowski´s new windsurfing movie "Below the Surface" with Victor Fernandez on Maui. Stay tuned for more, the first premiere days for the full movie in ...
PWA Wave World Cup Tenerife 9 Aug 2013 | 04:59 pm
Victor Fernandez finished the PWA World Tour in Tenerife on 2nd place by showing some of the best windsurfing the tour has seen so far. Nayra Alonso finished 5th, Eva Oude Ophius came out 6th! Young g...
Fanatic Team Webisode Maui 2014 16 Jul 2013 | 06:38 pm
The Fanatic team went to Maui for some action with the new 2014 Wave/Freestyle gear. Check out our Waveriders Klaas Voget, Victor Fernandez, Nik Baker, Nayra Alonso, Olivia Piana, Alice & Arthur Arutk...
Team Fanatic @ PWA Pozo/Gran Canaria 15 Jul 2013 | 06:27 pm
The conditions at the PWA in Pozo/Gran Canaria could definitely have been better but still Team Fanatic did very well! Our riders brought in great results in the last days with Victor Fernandez finish...
Víctor Fernández Red Bull Australia - por Treze Comunicacion 20.08.2013 @ 10:48 20 Aug 2013 | 10:48 pm
Víctor Fernández acaba segundo en Tenerife y viaja en busca de la tormenta perfecta a Tasmania Gran resultado de Víctor Fernández en la primera prueba puntuable del mundial de windsurf, la próxima se...
Víctor Fernández preparado para competir en el Médano, Tenerife 3 Aug 2013 | 01:52 pm
Después de que la primera prueba del mundial no se celebrara debido a la falta de viento y de condiciones favorables para la modalidad olas en Gran Canaria, llega el Médano (Tenerife). La segunda prue...
TEASER Below The Surface – Victor Maui 27 Aug 2013 | 04:20 pm
Il team di Below the Surface ha appena rilasciato il nuovo teaser del prossimo e ultimo progetto di Andre Paskowski, DVD “Below the Surface“. In questo video il protagonista è Victor Fernandez a Maui....