Most view the generated sql mondrian related news are at:
– Rama's Free Thoughts
My first book about Pentaho is out! 17 Jul 2013 | 12:42 am
Today is a great day for me and I'm very proud about this. It is the realization of a dream I had from a long time: have the possibility to write a technical book. In February 2013, a guy from Packt ...
Print Pentaho Reports from PDI efficiently and without pain! 10 Jun 2013 | 01:59 pm
These days I'm involved in a project where we need to print reports directly from our PDI processes. So what a good option to use the PRD output step to do that? The idea was to find out a way for not...
More view the generated sql mondrian related news:
Pesky quoted identifiers in SQL 11 Jun 2012 | 05:35 am
The SQL that Mondrian generates is, until now, different than the SQL that most people would write by hand. Most people don't use spaces or punctuation in table and column names, and don't enclose ide...