Most views jquery cycle in drupal related news are at:

CSS relative positioning issue 19 Jun 2010 | 12:39 am
While positioning a div like for example, position:relative; top:-50px; some extra space may occur at the bottom of the div. This can be removed by adding margin-bottom:-50px; (i.e. the same value set...
Drupal Imagecache Issue 5 Jun 2010 | 01:25 am
Issue: The uploaded images are stored in sites->all->defaults->files instead of sites->all->defaults->files->imagecache->[preset subdirectories]. To fix this go to []/admin/setting...
More views jquery cycle in drupal related news:
jQuery Cycle en drupal es como el jamón en la trucha a la navarra 29 Oct 2008 | 08:41 pm
Hace tiempo que no me pasaba por esta cocina, es lo malo que tiene ser un profesional (en el sentido de que te contratan) y es que tienes ir a las cocinas de otros. El titulo tiene su gracia ya que s...
Consuming the new Twitter 1.1 API with Feeds and friends 14 Jun 2013 | 12:04 am
The new Twitter 1.1 API kicked in recently, which meant a new cycle of maintenance for anyone consuming their data programmatically. My own Feeds + Views demo site streams #drupal, using Feeds and com...
jQuery script for swapping images on hover/rollover on Drupal 7 + Views 24 Jan 2013 | 11:27 pm
Category: Drupal I tried to find the way to make do the rollover image using Views but after searching and looking into many websites, it doesn't seem to have clear the instruction how to do it. So...
Come nascondere i filtri esposti delle viste in Drupal con jQuery 3 May 2013 | 04:10 am
Una delle funzionalità che rendono il modulo Views per Drupal uno strumento molto flessibile per la visualizzazione dei contenuti è la possibilità di mostrare dei filtri per effettuare delle ricerche ...
Pompano Responsive Drupal Theme Released to Thunderous Applause 14 Jun 2013 | 04:47 am
We're proud to release our latest Drupal theme Pompano, a general use responsive theme (of course) that brings a couple new bits of jQuery fun to the table: Infinite scrolling on views using the class...