Most vinho verde week logo related news are at:

Brooklyn's Krescendo Launches Spirit Hour, Complete With Pizza 2 Jul 2013 | 06:49 pm
Boreum Hill's Krescendo is giving you a spirited excuse to stop by with a new boozy promotion. Dubbed Spirit Hour, the daily sip session takes place between 5:30 and 7:30 PM at the bar. Guests can pay...
The French Spirits Soiree Approaches 1 Jul 2013 | 06:48 pm
We love ourselves a good soiree, and we have our calendar marked for the one coming up on July 13. To celebrate Bastille Day, our pals over at The Dizzy Fizz will host a bacchanal at Astor Center wher...
More vinho verde week logo related news:
Vinho Verde in August 7 Aug 2013 | 07:31 am
I continue my exploration of the many varied wines of Portugal's Vinho Verde region with this pair that showed up at the house last week. Given that I'm now living so close to sources of fresh seafood...
Alvarinho 2008 28 Aug 2012 | 10:19 pm
O Primeiras Vinhas da casa Soalheiro em Monção foi o primeiro vinho branco que me fez deixar cair o queixo. E logo um verde Acabo de beber o Primeiras Vinhas 2008. Sim 2008. Mas estamos em 2012 dirão ...