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Friends of a Feather June Sale 16 Apr 2012 | 02:42 pm
Our next Friends of a Feather sale at The Vintage House is slated for June 15th & 16th! Please mark your calendar! We are gathering some great finds, and are welcoming some new, fantastic vendor.....
10 Amazing Vintage Houses for Cats 14 Sep 2011 | 10:38 am
Who says cat are not important. If you think that cats are not important than after seeings the photos 10 Amazing Vintage Houses for Cats below you have to change your opinion. The designer of these 1...
The Vintage House 30 Aug 2012 | 08:00 am
Hello to our Friends of a Feather ~ We are spending most of our time these days creating new ways to use our sweet little vintage house! As most of you know, my mom Marilyn lived in this house for 1...
Vintage House Hidden Objects 15 Aug 2013 | 04:08 pm
Find all hidden objects in this vintage house, Use the mouse to search the area for it. Can you find them all?
10 Impressive Vintage Designs & Resources 23 Jul 2013 | 07:54 pm
Vintage is probably one of the few styles that never goes out of fashion. Everybody loves vintage graphic design, vintage clothing, vintage house decorations and any other kind of possible art. And it...
Useful Links 11 Aug 2009 | 03:40 am
Name Internet Link National House Buyers Association (HBA) Board of Architects Malaysia (LAM) Real Estate & Housing Developers' Association (REHDA) ...
FENG SHUI Room without windows 2 Sep 2009 | 02:53 pm
Q: I am a student renting a room in a single-storey house. The house originally has four rooms but the owner has added another two new ones. All the rooms are rented out to students. Unfortunately for...
Gehring's Cabin 26 Jan 2010 | 10:23 am
Here are a bunch of pictures of the house. Looks great thank you!
Before, During and After 9 Nov 2009 | 12:00 pm
The house has been completed and looks fantastic! I have attached some before, during, and after pictures. We had some folks walk by as we were finishing and said that it really looks good and that th...
Cereal Box House Tutorial 4 Dec 2009 | 03:46 pm
I have had this tutorial on my mind for so long! I love little houses and creating wee villages, definitely a carry over from my childhood, and have been wanting to make some of my own to play decorat...