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Detroit Cancer Docter Farid Fata indicted for unnecessary medical procedures. 23 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
Detroit Doctor Busted for Fraud Chemotherapy is one of the most frightening medical procedures a patient can experience. But, undergoing chemotherapy when a patient doesn’t even have cancer may b...
Cupid's Bow and a Judge's Gavel Don't Mix: West Virginia Judge Tries to Frame ex-Lover's Husband 21 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
Cupid’s Bow and a Judge’s Gavel Don’t Mix: West Virginia Judge Tries to Frame ex-Lover’s Husband A state judge in West Virginia has been arrested and charged for trying to frame his formal romant...
More virginia legal malpractice blog related news:
99th Installment. Defend law blogging: The Horace Hunter matter in Virginia 29 May 2013 | 11:01 am
Legal and factual background In the 92nd Installment, “The Ethics of Ghost Blogging,” kanBARoo court predicted that law bloggers would be vulnerable to repression by the state bars: “Until the legiti...
99th Installment. Defend law blogging: The Horace Hunter Matter in Virginia 29 May 2013 | 11:01 am
Legal and factual background In the 92nd Installment, “The Ethics of Ghost Blogging,” kanBARoo court predicted that law bloggers would be vulnerable to repression by the state bars: “Until the legiti...
Dozier Internet Law: The Internet’s loose legal cannon 16 Aug 2013 | 12:06 am
Originally posted 2008-10-06 12:06:38. Republished by Blog Post Promoter They’re back: A Virginia lawyer used intimidation and bullying tactics, including spurious trademark infringement and defamat...
Healthcare Update Satellite -- 8-21-2013 21 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Look for more updates on my other blog at Judge orders Colorado family to pay $340,000 in legal fees after losing the medical malpractice suit it brought against a hospital. The famil...