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How to run Android 4.0.1 Ice Cream Sandwich inside Virtual box 24 Mar 2012 | 04:15 am
If you want to get a feel of latest Android 4.0 ICS without downloading a its sdk and creating avd. Long process, isn’t it? Now you can run Android 4.0 ICS inside virtual box on Windows. I am writing...
实践与共享:可打造单一可执行绿色软件的免费“绿色工具”Enigma Virtual Box 最新版本 16 Apr 2012 | 11:58 am
今天提供的是Enigma Virtual Box最新“绿色”中/英版:界面清晰,操作简便,可将多个文件封装到主程序,制作成为单一可执行绿色软件。支持所有类型的文件格式,包括动态链接库 (*.dll), ActiveX/COM (*.dll, *.ocx), 视频/音频文件 (*.avi, *.mp3), 文本文件 (*.txt, *.doc) 等。虚拟化后的软件不释放任何临时文件到您...
How to install a Windows XP virtual machine using a SATA controller in Virtual Box 19 Jun 2011 | 03:23 am
SATA controllers show better performance in comparison to the IDE ones, even in emulated environment like the Virtual Box's one. To create a VirtualBox virtual machine that uses an emulated SATA contr...
Online Shopping Mall – The Best Way to Shop an Online Shopping Mall 16 Jul 2011 | 04:36 pm
Online shopping malls are becoming the mall of choice to do all your shopping. The reason being is that they have a large number of stores under 1 virtual roof. Image going to place and finding all yo...
Migrando uma Maquina Virtual do wmware para o virtual box 4 Apr 2012 | 01:48 pm
Já faz algum tempo que eu utilizo o vmware, em casa por algum motivo não que desconheço ate o momento não consigo atualizá-lo mais. Read more →
Alpha Mission 11 Apr 2012 | 11:43 pm
General Information Publisher: SNK Release Code: NES-AM-UKV Year: 1987 Players: 1 Box Blurb To be added Reviews To be added Screenshots Carts/Box Images Gameplay Video To be added
Windows 8 Consumer Preview 5 Mar 2012 | 06:40 pm
Windows 8 Consumer Preview ထွက်နေတယ်လို့ ဒီတလောသိရပေမယ့် မစမ်းဖြစ်လိုက်ဘူး။ ဒီနေ့မနက် အချိန်ရတုန်းလေး Virtual Box မှာသွင်းပြီး စမ်းလိုက်တယ်။ 1GB memory share လုပ်ပြီး Virtual Box မှာသွင်းတာ သိပ်တောင်မ...
God in a box? 1 Jul 2011 | 07:55 am
Image via Wikipedia The word ‘God’ means different things to different people. But can we put God in a box, and quantify Him? (if He is a Him!) Some maintain that we can can, leaving the box empty ...
Script Autostart VirtualBox Machine di Ubuntu 3 Mar 2012 | 12:11 am
Ini adalah lanjutan dari proyek membuat pc-remote, yang didalemnya terdapat virtul box untuk menjalankan windows xp. Dan ternyata tulisan saya tentang autostart virtual box virtual machine (VM), tidak...
Windows 8 – Virtual Box – First Look 18 Sep 2011 | 04:01 am
So today I decided to install Windows 8 in my PC which is running Windows 7 x64. I want to install it as a guest operating system and hence I decided to use Virtual Box as I’m already using it for run...