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Acquisition, Retention, Monetization: Final Report 25 Apr 2012 | 10:37 pm
Today’s HIIT Gamification of Services Seminar in Helsinki also doubles as the final seminar of a research project called ARMS: Acquisition, Retention and Monetization in Virtual and Social Spaces, in ...
Seminar on gamification and virtual economy 20 Apr 2012 | 01:04 am
Participate: Date & time: April 25th | 10:00 – 17:00 Place: Arkadiankatu 28 – Class 4 – 3rd floor – Aalto School of Economics Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT ...
More virtual economy related news:
Unstoppable Marketing Loop – The Only Way to B.I.G. Online Success and Sustainable Growth 24 Nov 2010 | 10:42 am
The only way to do marketing in this fast changing virtual economy and innovative business environment is to do it ALL THE TIME. Just a few people understand what this means. It’s not about doing “som...
Encouraging Arbitrage in Virtual Economies 9 Apr 2010 | 04:48 am
I'm always surprised by how different companies conduct interviews - I shouldn't be after being surprised so many times; so my surprise at being surprised is surprising (to be all meta). Today I had t...
Seminar on gamification and virtual economy 20 Apr 2012 | 01:04 am
Participate: Date & time: April 25th | 10:00 – 17:00 Place: Arkadiankatu 28 – Class 4 – 3rd floor – Aalto School of Economics Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT ...
5-year-old VERN moves to a new platform, links broken 16 Dec 2011 | 04:44 am
The Virtual Economy Research Network website was launched in September 2006, so this autumn we had our fifth birthday! During the years VERN has published hundreds of posts and guest articles by some ...
Knowledge Map of the Virtual Economy: presentation slides 9 Apr 2011 | 06:38 am
I gave a presentation yesterday at the InfoDev virtual economy workshop introducing the Knowledge Map of the Virtual Economy report. Here are the slides. Also, The Economist published a nice summary o...
World Bank Virtual Economy report: secondary markets worth $3 billion 8 Apr 2011 | 02:18 am
Last year, the World Bank’s InfoDev programme asked me to write a report on the “development potential of the virtual economy”. The report, titled Knowledge Map of the Virtual Economy, is published to...
Diablo III Hyperinflation 21 May 2013 | 09:49 pm
Diablo III's real-money auction house had some potential to be a major innovation in virtual economies. Instead, it looks like the designers failed to grasp lessons of virtual money management that ar...
My 1st May Manifesto 1 May 2013 | 06:21 am
In EU today the ‘austerity’ measures are destroying national economies making it impossible for them to ever to pay back those debts created by banksters of virtual economy and their political cabals....
Educación Virtual 27 Apr 2012 | 10:34 am
PASOS A SEGUIR PARA LA CREACIÓN DE CURSOS VIRTUALES Siga los siguientes pasos para la creación de los cursos virtuales en la USC Pasos a seguir para la creación de cursos virtuales Procedimientos ...
La Santiago se prepara para ampliar su cobertura 28 Jan 2012 | 04:22 am
En el marco de su campaña Educación para la Prosperidad, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional MEN h a planteado promover la oferta académica de programas en modalidad virtual, pertinentes y de calidad ...