Most virtual game store related news are at:

Sony Reveals Cross Buy: Buy a PS3 Game, Get a PS Vita Game Free 15 Aug 2012 | 12:51 pm
August 14, 2012 At Gamescom in Cologne, Germany today Sony announced a new initiative that will give PS3 players an incentive to buy: free games for the Vita. Dubbed the "Cross Buy initiative," player...
BioWare Director Defends Day-One DLC 14 Aug 2012 | 07:13 pm
August 13, 2012 BioWare Edmonton director of online development Fernando Melo tells Polygon that day-one DLC makes sense. He thinks that it is all a matter of simple math for game developers because d...
More virtual game store related news:
3D Samus Made From Video Game Cartridges 22 Oct 2010 | 06:20 am
Click for Larger Image What do game stores do with the Madden, Shaq Fu, and NFL Quarterback Club cartridges nobody wants anymore? Make video game art. With 179 worthless or broken NES, SNES, Nintend...
Origin Sale Going On Now: Today Only, Everything Is 40% Off - 25 Feb 2012 | 06:53 am
Today only, Origin, EA's digital distribution service, is offering 40% off any game store wide. Let me be a bit more clear: Every single game in the Origin store is 40% off today, like...
Online Video Games Store 6 Aug 2011 | 11:01 pm
You may have noticed, recently there are many more video game shop today, twenty years ago. With the improvement of computer technology more than 30 years, the game industry is also booming, and this ...
Finding the Best Video Game Prices Video Game Stores and Vintage Video Games 3 Apr 2012 | 04:47 pm
Some of us are old enough to remember the first video games pong, Atari systems, Space Invaders, etc. They were pretty impressive back then. Its hard to believe that it was just a few decades ago w...
Funny in advertising – Duel of the Masters, Shaq vs. Tiger – PGA TOUR 13 14 Mar 2012 | 07:45 am
duel of the masters shaq vs. tiger – pga tour 13 Here’s another funny in advertising video. This time it’s Tiger Woods taking on Shaquelle Oneal in a virtual game of golf, sort of. PGA Tour 13 is t...
Download Hundreds of Free Games of Any Genre with These Downloaders 20 May 2012 | 04:54 am
Your Ad Here With the popularity of internet usage day-by-day, people are moving on from buying games from game store to online licenses. Now the task of finding and downloading games whether they...
Should Diablo 3 Be Worth Every Penny ? 4 May 2012 | 07:51 pm
Ever since the surge of massively multiplayer online role playing games on the World Wide Web, the craze for virtual gaming has grown at an unstoppable rate. Players are always looking forward to new ...
20% Aktion übers Wochenende 25 Feb 2012 | 02:53 am
Liebe Spieler, Ab sofort (24.2.2012) bis übers Wochenende (27.2.2012 10 Uhr) gibt es 20% mehr Machtkristalle / Aureus auf alle Einkäufe im in Game Store. Poehn
Enter the Ultramarines. Or, how I learned how to apprecaite brush sizes 17 Jan 2012 | 10:05 am
You can find us at your local gaming store! But not at model shop. Holy moley, model shop owners take umbrage at even the question of "do you care 40k minis?" Or at least the ones near me do. Le...
Gaming Store: les jeux Steam pas chers [Coupon réduct. dispo] 30 Aug 2011 | 12:45 am
Je profite de la sortie de Deus Ex pour vous parler d’un petit site qui gagne à être connu: Gaming Store. En plus, ça tombe bien, pendant la rédaction de ce post, Monsieur Gaming Store nous fait le pl...