Most virtualbox ubuntu resolution related news are at:

Russian rewrote credit card application, got approved 25 Aug 2013 | 01:58 pm
Dmitry Argarkov rewrote a credit card application sent to him by Tinkoff Credit Systems. The bank signed off on it without reading the fine print. Dmitry Argarkov put a few revisions in his credit car...
Lifecycle – Wix’ Integrated CI/CD Dashboard 23 Aug 2013 | 01:00 am
This post was originally published by Ory Henn on Wix engineering blog, who is part of our continuous integration / continuous deployment team. Since I write about Wix’s continuous delivery I think th...
More virtualbox ubuntu resolution related news:
Virtualbox ubuntu дээр дэлгэц тохируулах 9 Apr 2010 | 06:33 pm
TweetVirtualbox 3.1 дээр суусан ubuntu эхлээд 640×480 , 800×600 гэсэн 2 л хэмжээтэй байх аж. Харин үүнийг яаж томруулах вэ. Анх суулгаж байгаа залууст зориулан алхам алхамаар хийх заавар бичлээ. Дараа...
USB Device on VirtualBox Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick 6 Jan 2011 | 05:46 am
VirtualBox-OSE has no USB support on Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick. There is another version of VirtualBox that supports USB device, VirtualBox-PUEL. The reference to install this VirtualBox-PUEL can be read ...
ASUS 1015E-DS03 Intel Celeron 847 1.1GHz 10.1 Ubuntu Notebook :$249.99 22 Jun 2013 | 11:00 pm
Price : $ 249.99 Operating System: Ubuntu Resolution: 1366 x 768 LCD Features: Non-glare WLAN: 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Webcam: HD Camera Battery: 56WHrs, 5200mAh,3S2P, 6-cell Li-ion Battery pack ...
Virtualbox ed i problemi con ext4 9 Nov 2010 | 05:40 am
A mio avviso Virtualbox di Oracle è uno dei migliori tool di virtualizzazione ma oggi, installando la versione 3.2.10 sulla mia Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, riscontravo continui crash in fase di ins...
How to install and run Ubuntu 12.04 LTS inside Virtualbox 24 Mar 2012 | 09:51 pm
Next desktop version of Ubuntu is 12.04(Precise Pangolin). It’s now in beta version and available to download at . If you are interested in finding out the taste of...
Nuxeo DAM 1.1 in VirtualBox on Ubuntu 10.04, in 60 seconds. 2 Aug 2010 | 06:50 am
What's this all about? It's about how to, on your Ubuntu 10.04 system, install VirtualBox, then download and run the spanking new Nuxeo DAM 1.1 digital asset management software in a VirtualBox sessi...
How to fix the resoultion of the plymouth screen of ubuntu 11 Mar 2012 | 08:06 pm
For those who have experienced an ugly Plymouth screen when booting into Ubuntu, there are plenty of fixes and scripts out there that are proven to fix the resolution but there are a few who still str...
Dual-dual-booting Ubuntu and Windows 12 Jun 2011 | 06:13 am
TL;DR Yes, Virginia, there is a way to boot your physical Ubuntu (or whatever) partition as a VirtualBox machine from within Windows. With port forwarding, no less. Background Last week I took rece...
VirtualBox on Ubuntu Lucid 7 Apr 2012 | 12:48 am
Article suggests the step-by-step procedure to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx), the latest version of Ubuntu as on date of writing this article. Similar procedure should work on other ...
Installer votre serveur de développement en local avec VirtualBox et Ubuntu Server 11 Apr 2012 | 08:30 pm
Lorsque l’on développe des sites web, il est bien utile d’avoir un serveur où faire ses tests, ne serait-ce que pour éviter de casser un site déjà en ligne. Pour cette raison, il n’est pas rare d’inst...