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SNSの使用度/あなたは何派? 15 Feb 2013 | 12:42 pm
今は生活の一部として定着したインターネット。 SNSを使用する事によって消費者の生活活動は変わったのか? 購買行動では何らかのネット利用をする人の方が消費意欲が強いことや、利用するデジタル機器、交流サイト(SNS)やコミュニケーションツールによって消費意識が異なることがわかった。 無料通話・メッセージアプリ「LINE」とツイッター、 フェイスブック(FB)をコミュニケーションのツールととらえて...
営業には’人見知り’の方が向いている?! 1 Feb 2013 | 12:30 pm
知らない人に会う時に緊張しませんか? それは経験を重ねると慣れてくるものなのです。 「緊張しないのがいい!」と思ってましがこの記事を読むと納得いきます。 入社3年目で営業に異動したSさんは、それまで備品管理の仕事をしていました。初対面の出会いがない仕事が長く、職場内のコミュニケーションも希薄な状態から、いきなり営業になって非常に強い不安を覚えたそうです。 「初訪問の日」 当初は、営業研...
More vision consulting japan related news:
News 20 Feb 2010 | 06:52 am
March 21, 2011 National APIA Panhellenic Association Donates to World Vision’s Japan Quake and Tsunami Relief The National APIA Panhellenic Association (NAPA) will donate to World Vision (www.worldv...
News 20 Feb 2010 | 01:52 am
March 21, 2011 National APIA Panhellenic Association Donates to World Vision’s Japan Quake and Tsunami Relief The National APIA Panhellenic Association (NAPA) will donate to World Vision (www.worldv...
Transformative Leadership Training for Social Changemakers 22 Jul 2013 | 11:41 pm
Hello Have, Fun Do-Gooders! One of the reasons you haven't heard from me as frequently lately is that I've been busy doing some super fun Big Vision Consulting for Rockwood Leadership Institute. I'v...
Facing Tax Problems In Japan ? Consult An Advisor 7 Apr 2012 | 09:56 pm
An individual or an organization remembers a Tax Consultant to the most at the time when there is a situation of getting entangled in a complex financial situation. Tax Consultants offer the best solu...
How to Find a Good Tax Consultant In Japan 7 Apr 2012 | 09:50 pm
At the time of filing tax returns, every person or organization finds itself in a trapped situation. Common people who have no detailed knowledge of the tax rules and policies end up losing a large su...
Coach or Consultant – What’s the Difference? 1 Mar 2012 | 07:36 pm
A new breed of business advisor called a professional coach is emerging. Coaches and consultants both provide guidance, but their approaches differ. The term "coach" usually conjures up a vision of a...
Welcome to PSB Vision 28 Feb 2010 | 08:47 am
Production, Sound & Broadcast Media Services. Whether you’re looking for lighting design, lighting solutions for broadcast and events, technical consultancy, corporate AV, film and video production o...
Administrator - Inteltion Co., Ltd. 16 Mar 2011 | 03:26 am
Inteltion's vision is to be a leading technology consulting and implementation company which specialist in customization and data warehousing. Our company is built and continued to expand upon the bas...
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen 11 Mar 2012 | 07:33 am
When Britain’s leading fisheries expert (Ewan McGregor) is approached by a consultant (Emily Blunt) to help realize a sheikh’s (Amr Waked) vision of bringing the sport of fly-fishing to the desert, he...
Influence en temps de crise 24 Jan 2009 | 06:48 am
Je vous invite à consulter le powerpoint suivant publié par The Economist. Ads on Edge Il apporte sa vision et des arguments sur l'attitude à observer en temps de crise pour ce qui concerne les budg...