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No representation without our constitution ! Goodbye! 21 Aug 2013 | 09:15 am
An open letter to 601 ex-lawmakers and your masters who failed Nepal from 30,000,000 Nepali like you and me.” “You the 601 and the ones who you follow, From this day, none of you, I repeat none of y...
सरकार पाल्ने मात्र होईन अब जवाफ पनि मागौँ ! कर तिर्ने मात्र होईन, अब परिणाम पनि खोजौँ !! 1 Aug 2013 | 09:14 am सरकारका प्रतिनिधि कराँउछन्, “जिम्मेवार नागरिक बन्नुहोस् कर तिर्नुहोस्! तपाईले कर नतिरेकैले हाम्रो देश गरिव बनेको छ” यो सुन्दा त लाग्छ हामी अाम-नेपालीले करै तिर्दैनौं। हामी सबका-सब चोर...
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「創作有時」作品展公開召募 8 Oct 2008 | 05:47 am
參加須知: 。創作人先為作品選定一個「時間」,作為創作單位,然後引起作品。如「凌晨十二點」的作品是一個題目為《自殺》的廣播劇,這是一個在凌晨十二時打算尋死的女子,打電話求助的故事;The Evening Primrose的錄像及音樂作品《Sound & Vision》,則選了「下午兩點二十一分」和「下午十點二十一分」,因為他們「記得當時二十一歲」; 。「時間」和「作品」的關係和定義很廣泛,只要...
Steps to setup a Squid proxy server on Linux 5 Oct 2011 | 12:23 pm
set of steps for the Squid proxy server Linux Place Squid cache of Internet users and websites. Who is faster, less bandwidth for HTTP traffic, bandwidth charges and save -.. Or use the recorded tape...
Think Less & Keep It Simple 13 Jan 2012 | 09:09 am
Every once in awhile I read something from another trader who I respect that I really wish I wrote myself. Here’s one such example: “One of the most difficult things to get investors and traders to un...
Variable Vision: Latest bifocal technology uses layer of liquid crystals 28 Mar 2012 | 05:04 pm
Bifocal glasses have come a long way since Benjamin Franklin first invented them more than 200 years ago.
LESS.js – CSS mit Variablen und Funktionen 30 Jun 2010 | 05:15 am
LESS ist eine Erweiterung der bestehenden CSS-Definitionen und beinhaltete alle existierenden Formatierungen. Im Unterschied zu CSS beherrscht LESS jedoch den Umgang mit Variablen, erweiterten Klassen...
Dress-for-less, l’outlet di moda online leader in Europa. 23 May 2011 | 02:29 am
Dress-for-less è l’outlet numero uno in Europa dove si possono trovare tanti prodotti esclusivi dei migliori marchi di moda provenienti da tutto il mondo che compongono una gamma di ca. 12.000 articol...
A prestigious finish to enrolment 10 Dec 2011 | 05:15 am
The make-up of the last teams to enrol on the Dakar held some major surprises in store, with the return of Johnny Campbell, to accompany Robby Gordon.With less than a month to go before the start of.....
Rob Symington on Escape the City 7 Jul 2011 | 05:16 am
If you’ve ever taken the road less traveled or dreamed about it, you’ll appreciate what partners Dom Jackman and Rob Symington launched in March of last year at First, here’s Rob’s...
未来警察 Future X-cops 22 May 2012 | 09:23 am
香港映画ならではのワイヤーアクション、最先端のVFX技術を駆使して見応え抜群のエンターテイメント(点数 70点) (C)2009 Scholar Multimedia Group Co.Ltd. and Mega-Vision Pictures Ltd. SF作品初挑戦のアンディ・ラウがサイボーグ警官に扮し、時空を超えて巨悪と闘うSFアクション。監督はバリー・ウォンで、主演のアンディは脚本も担...
Strike it Rich with Pocket Change 25 Mar 2011 | 06:55 am
This heavily illustrated and informative guide is the first of its kind targeting the less sophisticated collector who simply has an interest in a less mainstream form of collecting, which offers grea...