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Vodafone sms booster pack list for tamilnadu 2013 and all states 25 Aug 2013 | 09:56 pm
See the list of booster packs which can be used for to reduce price of each sms send from Vodafone mobiles. low price Vodafone sms pack starts from 4rs, this pack gives 100 sms for one day and this ....
Peperoncina, la chat piccante 12 Nov 2009 | 07:39 am
Se solo qualche giorno vi parlavamo di una chat sms riservata ai clienti Vodafone, oggi invece vogliamo allargare “i nostri orizzonti” e parlarvi di una nuova SMS Chat molto piccante: Peperoncina! Pe...
Vodafone Friends: nuovi amici tramite SMS 10 Nov 2009 | 12:03 am
Se il vostro operatore mobile è Vodafone, allora questo post potrebbe interessarvi, poiché vi presentiamo la community Vodafone Friends. Si tratta di una sorta di “Badoo” che si divide tra il sito web...
Stuttgarter Kickers in Liga drei – und ein Sonntag ohne Vodafone-Netz 7 May 2012 | 11:38 pm
Der Cannstatter Wasen läuft – die Kickers laufen, bloß Vodafone nicht. Am gestrigen Tag ging bei Vodafone gar nichts. Weder SMS noch Anrufe gingen – ins Internet kam ich nur per W-Lan. Doch schnell da...
West Bengal free vodafone missed call activation 27 Mar 2012 | 07:36 pm
just Dial *62*+919732097515#and activate.. get conformation sms west Bengal vodafone miss call alert trick
Trimite sms gratuit in Romania 21 Mar 2012 | 10:55 pm
Limita ta este de 3 mesaje/zi catre un numar de telefon! SMS gratuite in Orange, mesaje SMS in Vodafone si mesaje gratuite SMS in Cosmote Aveti la dispozitie 140 de caractere Mesajele ajung uneori cu...
Nejlepší sms brána je pro iPhony zdarma 21 Jun 2011 | 08:48 pm
Poctivě platíte datový tarif, takže jste na internetu. Na internetu je jedna SMS brána vedle druhé. Na sms bráně stačí naťukat stejný text jako do mobilu a poslat sms. Na Vodafone je to dokonce možné ...
How To Balance Transfer and Free Sms Vodafone 2 Oct 2011 | 11:20 am
Latest free sms center deliver numerous free sms from your spice mobile configure the subsequent message centre number inside your mobile sms you can send unlimted sms from the v...
Vodafone Voice SMS by Zoozoo 13 May 2009 | 04:08 am
Send a Voice SMS Dial *mobile number
Klanten Vodafone bellen van 2 tot 5 mei gratis binnen Nederland 13 Apr 2012 | 11:22 pm
Na de problemen met de grote brand bij de buren van de telefooncentrale in Rotterdam biedt Vodafone haar klanten gratis bellen en sms-en binnen Nederland aan van 2 tot en met 5 mei. Door deze brand ra...