Most voice chat over lan related news are at:

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 16 Plus 9 Apr 2010 | 02:06 am
The newest program from MAGIX, Movie Edit Pro 16 Plus, is a lot like Movie Edit Pro 16, but with loads more options for your videos. It’s had a lot of improvements, like making the design more intuiti...
http Torrents 16 Nov 2009 | 08:28 pm
There are several great BitTorrent applications available online. One of the many that comes to mind is uTorrent. Okay, that sounds great – but how about this – an Online torrent application that does...
More voice chat over lan related news:
Understanding Google Communications Strategy 22 Apr 2010 | 07:25 am
Google’s email strategy with it’s Gmail is clear but what about voice? It is not very clear for someone outside Google what the plans are. Google Talk, the text and voice chat application has not been...
Get HP stereo Headset worth Rs.708 at just Rs.399 only 4 Apr 2012 | 04:40 am
Today’s hot deal at Sulekha is on Headset, Get HP Stereo Headset worth Rs.798 at Rs.399 only. This is the perfect choice for Voice chatting, online gaming or office multimedia.Fashionable, light-weigh...
دردشة العمالقة 3 Nov 2011 | 03:26 pm
new yaar: دردشة العمالقة ، دردشة صوتية ، العمالقة ، دردشه العمالقة الصوتية ، شات العمالقة الصوتي ، شات صوتي ، العمالقه الصوتي ، الأسطورة ، دردشة ، شات ، voice chat al3malka
Google has come up with a New Video Chat service 29 Nov 2011 | 02:52 am
© jonrawlinsonGoogle has recently announced the debut of video chat facility. Google has launched this video and voice chat service as a rival to Apple's Facetime application on the iPhone. This ...
hi guys please help me out soon!!!!? 4 Oct 2010 | 05:36 pm
Question by harry: hi guys please help me out soon!!!!? hi guys, am from india and my girlfriend is in argentina. we communicate through internet and voice chat almost all the times. but i still wan...
Voice Changer Software In The Market 9 Nov 2010 | 04:30 am
Hey, it seems that Britney Spear is online voice-chatting! - Wow, that's a funny cartoon with lot of animal singing voices. You have to pay much money and time to collect them, don't you? - What...
LAN Messenger - Chat Via LAN dan jaringan 12 May 2011 | 12:44 am
Jika anda pernah membaca postingan berikut : Chating via IP address, maka tidak ada salahnya anda sekarang mencoba software Lan Messenger ini. Lan Messenger ini layak dicoba untuk anda yang ingin chat...
Facebook implementerà voice chat per effettuare chiamate? 30 Jan 2011 | 06:34 am
Navigando per la rete, mi sono imbattuto in questo strano screenshot (clicca sopra per ingrandire), con un curioso bottone "call". Colui che ha fatto lo screen afferma la presenza di questo bottoncino...
# Best Notebooks Computer Price for Blackfriday 11 Sep 2011 | 02:45 pm
Best Notebooks Computer Price for Blackfriday Plug and Play Adjustable Base Compact and Lightweight Professional look and performance Crystal clear voice vocal clearity Perfect for internet voice chat...
Bigfoot Networks Partners with TeamSpeak to Enhance Killer Xeno Gaming Network Platform 5 Apr 2009 | 11:08 pm
On Tuesday, March 24th, Bigfoot Networks - developer of technologies designed to help reduce network latency - announced that they partnered with TeamSpeak to deliver accelerated voice chat on their n...