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More voice search use in france related news:
Google - voice search engine - 180041999999 7 Jul 2011 | 01:20 am
Voice Search Engine: I'm happy to share with Internet users, Now we can search webpages through Mobile not even using GPRS or any other mobile internet service and without spend money. Just call to an...
Search from your mobile phone's camera using Google Goggles if typing or speaking is boring 26 May 2011 | 05:41 am
In the last post it was mentioned that you can search from your phone by simply speaking by using voice search. If you feel typing or speaking is not cool, here is a new technology. You can search t...
Google Launches New Search Features: Voice Search, Image Search Tools And Instant Pages. 16 Jun 2011 | 08:32 pm
San Francisco - Google on Tuesday (14 / 6) launched a new search system using sound and images that can be directly accessed via desktop computer users. Both of these new features allow users to talk ...
VoiceSearch: Use Google voice search from anywhere on your iPhone 14 Jul 2012 | 10:12 pm
Today we bring you a new Jailbreak Tweak that will allow you to preform Google voice searches from anywhere using a simple Activator action called “VoiceSearch”. It’s a Siri alternative but with some...
How Uses Act-On To Succeed 18 Oct 2012 | 08:58 am
“It’s like taking the blindfold off of our entire sales department; instead of searching for a needle in a haystack, we let Act-On identify the needles.” —Ben Jackson Manager, Domestic Sales & Marketi...
Siri Snubs Google, Cosies Up to Bing 12 Jun 2013 | 02:40 pm
If you're an iPhone user, you've probably spent hours waxing lyrical to all your friends about Siri - the handset's built in personal assistant. Using an innovative voice search, Siri searches your ph...
Flipkart Launches New Voice Search Feature. And It Works. 27 Aug 2013 | 11:38 am
Online retailer Flipkart has launched a new voice search feature using which you can search for items on the portal, through your computer. The company is one of the first few ecommerce sites in Ind.....
Flipkart Launches New Voice Search Feature. And It Works. 27 Aug 2013 | 11:38 am
Online retailer Flipkart has launched a new voice search feature using which you can search for items on the portal, through your computer. The company is one of the first few ecommerce sites in Ind.....
Soon You’ll be Able to Surf the Web with Kinect on 360 13 May 2012 | 02:00 pm
Microsoft has been testing Internet Explorer 9 on the Xbox 360 system, including full Kinect gesture and voice control. Using voice search for Bing has been a feature on Xbox 360 for sometime now, but...
Google updates Search with synonyms and translation 25 Aug 2013 | 12:34 pm
Google made a quick announcement on its Google+ page about a new update for finding definitions using Search. When you enter “define:” followed by the word you want defined or use Voice Search to inqu...