Most voicemail related news are at:

اجرای iOS 7 بر روی iPad، بهمراه ویدئو 24 Jun 2013 | 11:54 am
این ویدئو که توسط rozetked منتشر شده است، اجرای iOS7 را بر روی یک دستگاه آی پد نشان میدهد، این امر بسیار عجیب است زیرا تاکنون iOS 7 برای iPad ارائه نشده است. لینک ویدئو و تعدادی از تصاویر مربوطه را در...
Apple اعلام کرد؛ کنفرانس WWDC 2013 در تاریخ ۱۰ الی ۱۴ ژوئن در سنفرنسیسکو برگزار خواهد شد. 25 Apr 2013 | 12:28 pm
این کنفرانس رخدادهایی برای iOS و OSX به ارمغان خواهد داشت. کاربران گرامی مک هلپ همانند گذشته منتظر گزارش زنده و لحظه به لحظه ی این کنفرانس در انجمن باشید.
More voicemail related news:
Ben jij een echte Kletskop? 22 May 2012 | 09:51 pm
Advertorial Een beetje kletskop is altijd in gesprek. En dat komt nu goed uit! Want als jij je voicemail laat inspreken door bijvoorbeeld Jokertje, Karin Bloemen of een andere leuke stem, dan maak je...
Leave 7SoM a voicemail! 19 Jul 2009 | 05:44 am
Do you have Knicks questions? Do you want to hear your own voice instead of mine on one of the Webisodes? Do you want to be part of a new Q&A podcast I'll be doing next season? Well then call 347-4...
sweet daddy 3 Sep 2010 | 12:19 pm
a replay of a voicemail my dad left me the other day. " Hi honey. Sorry I missed your call. I got so excited that you called that my heart started beating really fast and then I got flustered and cou...
i-talk 24: Verschicken Sie Ihre E-Mails schnell und einfach als Sprachnachricht - Mit Voicemails sparen Sie locker 75 % Zeit bei Ihren täglichen E-Mai... 7 May 2012 | 05:49 pm
Mit Voicemails sparen Sie locker 75 % Zeit bei Ihren täglichen E-Mails Hallo, ich grüße Sie, kennen Sie die Tage, an denen sich Ihre Mailbox schneller füllt als Sie die Mailbox wieder leerbekomme...
Google Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich: How to Listen to your Voicemail 6 Feb 2012 | 02:13 am
The proper data plan doesn't have a cat. 27 Jan 2011 | 06:58 am
Pretty amusing transcript via Google Voice, of a voicemail from AT&T about my cell service. I apparently have the proper data plan, that doesn't have a cat. Of course it's supposed to be "cap", and I...
We Ain’t Got No RSpec 24 Sep 2011 | 03:40 am
Four years ago I was doing the Rails Envy Podcast when we received a voicemail from a listener known as R. Elliot Mason. The instant I heard the voicemail I knew it was special. I also knew there was ...
Facebook Hacker 12 Feb 2012 | 08:09 am
Facebook billionaire CEO Mark Zuckerberg calls himself a "hacker". For most people, that word means something malicious - shady criminals who listen in on private voicemails, or anonymous villains who...
Apple iPhone 3G 16GB Black Without contract 27 May 2012 | 04:31 pm
iPhone redefines what you can do on a mobile phone. Tap a number to make a call. Listen to voicemail in any order with Visual Voicemail. 3G gives you fast access to the Internet and email over your ce...
The Best Alternatives to Google Services on the Web 23 Jan 2012 | 08:57 am
Face it: Google runs your life. The search giant turned web ecosystem owns your email, calendar, and even your voicemails. Your most important data lives on Google's servers. What you may not realize ...