Most voting komodo related news are at:

Puasa mengasah berbagai Kecerdasan 30 Jul 2013 | 01:52 pm
Bulan Ramadhan, Bulan penuh berkah bagi ummat Islam diseluruh dunia, karena disana ada perintah untuk menjalankan Puasa sebulan penuh oleh Allah SWT seperti tertera dalam QS. Al-Baqoroh : 183 يَا أَيّ...
Kenangan indah bersama Almarhumah Nenek Tercinta 23 Jul 2013 | 03:19 pm
Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rajiun.. Tepat Jum’at 12 Juli 2013 Nenek saya (Ibu Mamah) menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya dalam keadaan shaum Romadhon, Hari itu tidak seperti biasanya mamah pagi-pagi sudah ...
More voting komodo related news:
VOTE KOMODO PLEASE………..!!!! 13 Oct 2011 | 11:22 pm
for all of you Indonesian people..please vote Komodo Island..please support! very very very easy…just type KOMODO then send to 9818 just Rp 1,- thank you ^_^ “bangga menjadi Indonesia”
Vote Komodo as The New 7 Wonder 12 Oct 2010 | 04:07 am
Vote For Conservation of Komodo!!! 5 Nov 2011 | 05:55 am
Tergelitik oleh sebuah komentar dari postingan saya di salah satu grup FB ekstrakulikuler – yang saya ikuti sewaktu SMK. Didukung oleh seruan “vote Komodo to be new 7 wonders of nature” yang sedang me...
Ajakan Vote Komodo Presiden Dikritik Akademisi 21 Oct 2011 | 09:19 pm
Ajakan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Presiden RI pada menterinya dan publik untuk mendukung Pulau Komodo sebagai satu keajaiban dunia baru lewat vote SMS 9818 dikritik peneliti Komodo dan antropolog. Prof....
6 Edits Made to RSS Specification 31 Mar 2009 | 12:00 am
In a 7-0 vote, the RSS Advisory Board has approved six edits to the RSS specification, the documentation for the RSS 2.0 format. These edits do not affect the definitions of the elements and attribute...
Vote for us Customer Choice Award 21 Mar 2012 | 03:10 am
Vote for us today in the ISPA Customer Choice Award! The ISPA are giving away two tickets to the black-tie event in July, by rating their ISP’s service. Customers can rate their ISP in areas of relia...
Blackout 19 Jan 2012 | 06:05 am
Stop American Censorship Vote for the Net
Dive - Steven Curtis Chapman lyrics by Steven Curtis Chapman - 25 May 2011 | 02:53 am
The long awaited rains Have fallen hard upon the thirsty ground And carved their way to where The wild and rushing river can be found And like th 2 Vote(s)
Phenomenon - Toby Mac lyrics by Toby Mac - 25 May 2011 | 02:51 am
One Phenomenon, one phenomenon And it just cant be stopped yall We rock forever, we stop whenever We rock forever, we stop whenever We die when 1 Vote(s)
Quizzes 16 Feb 2007 | 11:17 pm
iWas A Pageant Girl Previous Quizzes: iDate A Bad Boy iWant My Website Back iMeet Fred iRocked the Vote