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[Debian VPS]Installing lamp, till bind9 29 Nov 2012 | 10:17 pm
I was tempted with the low price on vps these days, and it's my goal someday to create a multiplayer game.. err not multiplayer.. but online where people could play and compete with each other online....
How to Check if Tun/Tap enable in VPS 14 Mar 2013 | 02:53 pm
Installing VPN software on OpenVZ virtual servers requires the TUN/TAP kernel module to be loaded on the host server, then enabled for the container that requires access. To check if your container ha...
Configurer un VPS, installer Nginx, PHP et MySql sur Ubuntu 12.10 30 Apr 2013 | 12:31 pm
Ce tutoriel pour installer Nginx, PHP et MySql fonctionne sur tous les types de serveur que ce soit des VPS ou des serveurs dédiés. Le package LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySql et PHP) est une meilleure alter...
How To Install Yum on Centos VPS 22 Aug 2011 | 09:27 am
The simple way to install yum on vps. Use following commands: Related Posts : Update Manual WordPress Wajah Baru Powered by Contextual Related Posts
Installing OPENVPN on CentOS 10 Apr 2012 | 09:41 pm
Installing OPENVPN on CentOS Last time i tried to install OPENVPN for my vps, so i’m searching in google for the tutorial and i found a few ways to install OPENVPN on CentOS. I tried them all but i g...
Nginx on a VPS – user trick 1 Jan 2012 | 01:45 am
As we know, Nginx is faster than Apache to serve static files. Recently CodeAndMore installs nginx as its default however we met difficulty with “nginx” user, which is different than WHM – Apache – PH...
Hardening VPS 7 May 2012 | 05:09 pm
VPS Hardening yum update and zend optimizer Install root kit checker Install root breach detector Install APF, BFD Install mytop Set SSH login message Perform MySQL and Apache optimization Install mo...
Install & Managed VPS Management 7 May 2012 | 04:20 pm
Solus Virtual Manager (SolusVM) is a powerful GUI based VPS management system with full OpenVZ, Linux KVM, Xen Paravirtualization and Xen HVM support. SolusVM allows you and your clients to manage a...
Linux VPS on Windows Server. Can I do this? 8 Dec 2011 | 12:21 am
Hi there, We have received a a few questions from customers who as is it possible to run CentOS based Virtual Private Servers with cPanel installed on a Windows based underlying server. There are two...
linux VPS 安装lnmp0.9版本 28 May 2012 | 03:39 pm
安装 系统需求: 需要2 GB硬盘剩余空间 128M以上内存,OpenVZ的建议192MB以上(小内存请勿使用64位系统) Linux下区分大小写,输入命令时请注意! 安装步骤: 1、使用putty或类似的SSH工具登陆; 登陆后运行:screen -S lnmp 如果提示screen命令不存在可以执行:yum install screen 或 apt-get install sc...