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FTF Veeam v6 Replication – Applications In The VMs 15 Sep 2012 | 10:17 pm
Although application consistency is more often discussed in the context of virtual machine (VM) backups, it’s just as important to consider a strategy for fail over replicas. In fact, if you are both ...
FTF Veeam v6 Replication – Veeam Architecture 5 Aug 2012 | 07:29 pm
When Veeam introduced the new distributed architecture with v6.0 there were significant improvements to the replication engine in both speed and efficiency. There were also significant changes to the ...
More vsphere client ubuntu related news:
ESX Server Fehler Kann Konsole nicht öffnen MKS 903 11 May 2010 | 07:36 pm
Sollten Sie einen Fehler MKS: 903 bekommen beim Öffnen einer Konsole über den vSphere Client ändern Sie bitte in der Datei /etc/vmware/config die Zeile auf vmauthd.server.alwaysProxy= "TRUE" Dan...
Thủ thuật tích hợp vSphere Client vào mRemote 3 Jul 2012 | 09:47 pm
Mục tiêu thủ thuật này là cho phép truy cập vSphere Client trực tiếp từ chương trính quản lý remote server mRemoteNG tiết kiệm thời gian nhớ password,ip,name…. Bước 1: Cấu hình External Application tr...
Thủ thuật tích hợp vSphere Client vào mRemote 3 Jul 2012 | 09:47 pm
Mục tiêu thủ thuật này là cho phép truy cập vSphere Client trực tiếp từ chương trính quản lý remote server mRemoteNG tiết kiệm thời gian nhớ password,ip,name…. Bước 1: Cấu hình External Application tr...
vmware: CD/DVD ROM drive is stuck in connecting mode 11 Feb 2013 | 08:39 am
As the title says, if the CD/DVD device of your VM is stuck in connecting mode, one thing to try is to shutdown the vSphere client, and restarted it. I found this solution from http://communities.vmwa...
How do I enable ssh on my VMware vSphere 5.x server? 14 Mar 2013 | 05:06 pm
If you need to enable shell access, you can do so using the vSphere client. To do so, please perform the following steps: 1. Log into a vCenter Server system using the vSphere Client. 2. Select the ho...
Virtualisasi dengan VMWare ESXi (Bagian 3) : vSphere Client 11 Apr 2013 | 04:53 pm
Melanjutkan bagian 2 tentang Virtualisasi menggunakan VMWare ESXi, setelah proses install selesai, maka untuk mengakses ke server ESXi tersebut menggunakan VMWare vSphere Client (ada juga vCenter, cum...
VMWare ESXi 5.0/5.1 manuell patchen 23 Mar 2013 | 06:30 pm
Seit ESXi 5.x steht das Host Update Utility leider nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Unter ESXi 4.x war dies noch Bestandteil des vSphere Client. Es gibt aber einen relativ einfachen manuellen Weg. Zuerst müs...
CentOS 6 VMware Tools Kurulumu 11 May 2013 | 07:04 am
CentOS sanal makina üzerine vmware tools kurulumu için öncelikle vSphere Client üzerinden ilgili sunucuya sağ tıklayıp “Guest > Install/Upgrade VMware Tool” bölümünden kurulum paketini sanal makinanın...
vmware: CD/DVD ROM drive is stuck in connecting mode 11 Feb 2013 | 08:39 am
As the title says, if the CD/DVD device of your VM is stuck in connecting mode, one thing to try is to shutdown the vSphere client, and restarted it. I found this solution from http://communities.vmw...
VMware lanza su Virtual SAN de almacenamiento en beta pública 27 Aug 2013 | 01:16 pm
La nueva herramienta de almacenamiento definido por software Virtual SAN amplía el VMware vSphere Hypervisor y se gestiona desde el vSphere Client Web. La entrada VMware lanza su Virtual SAN de almac...