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Blown V8 1969 Volkswagen Beetle Pro Street 14 Sep 2010 | 02:35 am
Cruising around in my 1969 Volkswagen Pro Street. Car is Running Fat, need some smaller carbs, that why youll see and hear it pop. Camera died during the process of the burnout the end. Sorry for the ...
Used VW Beetle – Great Fun! 19 Jun 2010 | 09:54 am
A cool thing about vw bug carburetors is that when you replace the butterfly wing in the choke, you can get some extra mi. out of your gas. Also the springs in the 67 carbs are the same ones they use ...
More vw bug parts related news:
VW bug Convertible Introduction 1 May 2012 | 04:19 am
The VW bug Convertible was initially introduced and launched in 2003. The new model of this car has attracted a lot of people because of the performance and the other improvements in the car. The new ...
Adobe AIR Non-Transparent Window Bugs Part 3: Native Controls Showing Up 10 Feb 2010 | 05:34 pm
UPDATE: This has been fixed in AIR 2.5. In my previous post, I showed how sometimes Windows would draw native controls on top of your non-transparent windows, as pictured here: However, I could not fi...
Adobe AIR Non-Transparent Window Bugs Part 2: Maximize 5 Feb 2010 | 04:44 pm
Maximized AIR windows on Windows XP are positioned at -4,-4 and the width and height add 8 pixels to compensate. On Windows 7, this is doubled, so the position is -8,-8 and the width and height add 16...
VW Auto Parts 9 May 2012 | 08:05 pm
Among the biggest products all over the world is cars. We’re not sure where this obsession originates from consider their invention individuals have been obsessive about making autos faster, more inti...
How much should the labor to replace the heating/ac control module in a 2001 Volkswagen Beetle cost? 15 Nov 2010 | 11:45 pm
I have a 2001 VW bug that needs the heating/ac module replaced. I’m trying to find out where in the car the part is located, and how much labor to replace it should cost. I know the part itself is rel... 26 Sep 2010 | 12:23 pm
Bugs (Part 5) 15 Nov 2011 | 10:41 am
So we waited and waited for this thing to hatch.. one day, Ms. Kaz went into my daughter’s room and said, “oh! It hatched!” It was an exciting day. We took pictures and tried to learn what to feed it...
Bugs! (part 4) 14 Jul 2010 | 12:43 am
More than once, our caterpillar would sit on the meshing of its home for long stretches of time. Each time, I thought for sure it was a goner, and dreaded the reaction my daughter would have. This las...
Bugs! (part 3) 22 Jun 2010 | 03:17 am
Every year, we do a small box garden, and a container garden for some herbs. This year, we planted cilantro (yuck!) and parsley. My daughter likes to pick off the parsley and cilantro and eat them. T...
Bugs! (part 2) 17 Jun 2010 | 01:27 am
I never realized just how amazing kindergarten is until my daughter started school. I am simply amazed at how much better her writing, spelling and reading are compared to before she started. And one...