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W3Perl 3.15 26 Apr 2012 | 08:00 am
Maintenance release
More w3 perl related news:
Welcome 13 Jan 2009 | 01:28 pm
Since July 2003 we have done development work (in WAP 1/2, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, CSS2, PHP4/5, ASP, Perl, Javascript (including AJAX) or Flash MX 2004/Flash 8) for The Royal Oak Inn, Wetton, Stafford...
How to remove W3 Total Cache html comment in footer 10 Sep 2010 | 08:28 pm
I am not discussing whether it should be done or not, but just saying where to do it. W3 Total Cache is a great plugin and they surely deserve some SEO juice / kudos for their work, but I have seen q...
Tournez manège : le bêtisier 11 May 2010 | 08:54 pm
Durée : 02:05 | 12252 vues | 6.6/10 Tournez manège : le bêtisier betisier, perles, humour
40 Free Web Template Resources 28 Jul 2009 | 02:59 pm
Check out these 40 excellent websites that offer W3 standard-compliant website templates and flash template pages for free download without any registration or sign-up! Simavera Website Templates Fl...
How to setup WordPress CDN with W3 Total Cache and MaxCDN 1 Dec 2010 | 05:42 am
Set WordPress to use CDN with just couple of clicks. No uploading files, no complicated settings. Just W3 Total Cache and MaxCDN. Cake is harder than this. Setting up a Content Delivery Network (CDN)...
W3 Total Cache Self-induced Error 27 Aug 2010 | 01:48 am
W3 Total Cache is one of the best plugins I’ve found for wordpress. Yet, at first glance it can seem overwhelming to setup. But, it’s not really all that hard. Recently I’d moved this site from Drupa...
安装texlive 2011失败 29 May 2012 | 06:48 am
系统 ubuntu 12.04 64bit 安装过程 sudo apt-get install perl-tk wget tar -zxvf install-tl-unx.tar.gz cd install-tl-20120511/ sudo ./install-tl --gui -location 设置的时候:选的full scheme,但是语言只选择了CJK和ENGLISH;还有...
Reseteo de contraseñas 22 Jun 2011 | 08:06 pm
Esta mañana el equipo de WordPress ha encontrado actualizaciones sospechosas de algunos de los plugins más populares (AddThis, WPtouch, y W3 Total Cache) que contenían puertas traseras hábilmente disf...
“Lose your Mind and come to your Senses 1 Jun 2007 | 09:23 pm
A Look at the world of Fritz Perls - creator of Gestalt Therapy Fritz Perls was both a showman and a man with a sense of humour, who loved to provoke and to frustrate people, perhaps with the intent ...
doctype declaration in xhtml 6 Jun 2010 | 06:06 pm
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> You need to add the code top of your page.