Most w3c validation firefox plugin related news are at:

Web Designers: Use Pinterest to Showcase your Services 9 Feb 2013 | 01:29 am
Social media is now the new word of mouth. Almost all businesses use it to promote their products and services. In fact, some even just focus on social media alone to market their products. In this ar...
Top Rated Mobile Site Builders 9 Feb 2013 | 01:24 am
Who thought that one day, we’ll use phones to gain access to a vast source of information called the internet? Well, who ever thought of it, we should thank him or her. Today, web developers are tryin...
More w3c validation firefox plugin related news:
W3C Valider xHTML und CSS Code 11 Jul 2011 | 08:06 pm
Die strikten Programmier-Richtlinien des xHTML 1.1 Standards (xHTML 1.0 Strict ist ähnlich) sind ziemlich aufwendig umzusetzen. Das habe ich bei den jüngsten Anpassungen des Designs und der Plugins me...
Tree House wordpress thème en français 13 May 2010 | 05:05 am
Aucun plug-in n’est requis. Compatible avec WordPress 2.9. Valide W3C CSS et HTML, compatible avec Internet Explorer et Firefox. Télécharger – Demo