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Musik til fest – Slips Dance Band 25 May 2012 | 07:12 pm
Slips Dance Band er et populært lille band fra Jylland, nærmere betegnet Esbjerg. Slips har mange års erfaring i at spille festmusik på bagen og spiller musik til fest i stort set hele Danmark, dog me...
Comfy Control Harness 6 May 2011 | 08:27 am
Comfy Control Dog Harness Product Information: Does your dog constantly pull on his leash when going for a walk? Does your dog hate wearing a harness? The ComfyControl harness is the world’s most com...
Right Place at the Right Time 2 May 2012 | 10:34 am
An elderly lady was walking on the golf course on the island of Martha’s Vineyard . She slipped and fell. Obama, who was behind her by chance, helped her to get up promptly. She thanked him and he an...
APRÈS-SKI OUTSOLE 21 May 2012 | 07:52 am
HEAD Montana • Rubber pattern for better heel and forefoot area support, non-slipped • Cushion design located all over the entire outsole • Abrasion resistant lugged rubber outsole to enhance walking...
A walk in the woods 19 Apr 2012 | 09:27 am
Romeow's doing really well on the leash with his harness and last week, we had a couple of amazingly cool days with a nice breeze that kept the flying insects away. I decided to take my furbies for a ...
Simnel Cake 27 Apr 2011 | 09:26 pm
We spent Easter on the Isle of Wight at my parents' home. Lovely sunny days and catching up with family. My husband is still suffering with a slipped disc but we were able to manage a short dog walk t...
Walk-in og Bad 30 Jan 2012 | 10:30 pm
Ukens innlegg handler om Walk-in og Bad i tilknyttning til hovedsoverommet. Jeg har i mange år drømt om å ha egen garderobe og bad knyttet til hovedsoverommet. Tenk så deilig å slippe å gå ut fra so...
"And just when you thought you were the coolest person in the room, i walked in." 24 Apr 2012 | 02:12 am
Tja! Lägget rullar på. Går fortfarande hos min sjukgymnast. Blir förmodligen operation i oktober. Har liksom ingen lust att gå på kryckor över sommaren. Så bättre att ta allt i höst. Förövrigt så händ...
I veckans RadioGamer: Diablo III och Krater-vinnare 18 May 2012 | 11:11 pm
140 Ja, vi pratar om Diablo III, hur skulle vi kunna missa det? Men den här veckan handlar mer om Minecraft till 360, fluffögon (igen) och Peter Kjellins syn på TellTales The Walking Dead. Dessutom ...
Tuesday 16/2 17 Feb 2010 | 12:03 am
Nu ligger jag och josefine här spelar mobilspel, lyssnar på Walking in Memphis, haha nattens låt, och är allmänt döda efter att ha somnat kl 05.00 och vaknat 09.30 efter en massa bus ;) Idag ska vi f...