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BOLODEOKU I. 13 Feb 2012 | 10:42 am
1. “Going Virtual: Using Some Common Law World Initiatives to Update the Nigerian Law on Corporate Democracy” (2007) 36: 2 Common Law World Review 106-135. 2. “Corporate Political Contributions: A Co...
Union Political Contribution Opt Out Forms - For Non-Labour voters of Unison, Unite, GMB and USDAW 16 Apr 2012 | 02:22 am
Are you a member of a Union, but don't vote Labour? Do you want to stop your Union, giving your money, to the Labour Party? Here's a little help: UNISON Opt out form UNITE Opt out form GMB: A fo...
Momofuku Roasted Brussels Sprouts and a Weekend in New York 12 Nov 2012 | 08:45 am
Last week Walmart politely gave everyone a heads up that Black Friday will be starting at 8pm Thanksgiving evening. How rude! The memo was like waking up to an alarm clock at 3am, making me aware that...
News Corp. Reports $125K In 2011 Political Donations 17 Jul 2011 | 06:46 am
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Under assault in a phone hacking scandal, News Corp. has met a self-imposed deadline for reporting its 2011 political contributions online. On Friday, the media company reported a lit...
The Holy Truth 22 Oct 2012 | 07:11 am
October 23, 2012: The doomsday warning spread by a local preacher for political contributions is an affront to the Holy Bible, the United States Constitution and reprehensible fear mongering. Other...
Corruption Is a Crime! 26 Aug 2013 | 04:33 am
If we are ever to clean up Virginia politics, we need to get one thing straight: Taking thinly disguised bribes and calling them "gifts" or "in-kind political contributions" from people with serious b...
London Luxury Hotels – For A Comfortable Stay In London 20 Jun 2009 | 04:05 am
London is one of the world's most important business, financial, and cultural centres. The city's influence on politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion, and arts contributes to its status as...
Tomislav Medak: A Continuum of Knowledge - A contribution to the Political Economy of Copyleft 23 Feb 2004 | 12:53 am
While, in the age of real existing socialism in Yugoslavia, the social production was supposed to be governed by the principles of public ownership & workers' self-management, all along the circulatio...
Keep yer damn politics out of my SuperBowl 31 Jan 2010 | 02:27 pm
While many are fuming over the recent Supreme Court case lifting restrictions on political campaign contributions, I’m obsessed with a different kind of gross corporate advocacy. It’s no secret that C...
Walmart PAC donated to vote-flippers’ favored charities 5 Feb 2011 | 10:13 am
Tony Young at Jackie Robinson YMCA event Walmart’s political action committee, San Diego Consumers for Choice, donated to charities supported by San Diego City Council members Todd Gloria and Tony Yo...