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More walmart political donations related news:
Political Ecommerce 2 Mar 2012 | 09:20 am
Online political donations are reshaping both the ecommerce business world and the political world. Part of Barak Obama’s 2008 success was his ability to use ecommerce solutions to raise political fu...
Walmart PAC donated to vote-flippers’ favored charities 5 Feb 2011 | 10:13 am
Tony Young at Jackie Robinson YMCA event Walmart’s political action committee, San Diego Consumers for Choice, donated to charities supported by San Diego City Council members Todd Gloria and Tony Yo...
Political Ecommerce 2 Mar 2012 | 04:20 am
Online political donations are reshaping both the ecommerce business world and the political world. Part of Barak Obama’s 2008 success was his ability to use ecommerce solutions to raise political fun...
Obama And Romney Both Taking Donations Through Texts 11 Sep 2012 | 01:33 pm
Obama launched a new process of raising political donations. The money would be collected via test massages. It was initiated few days back. Everybody is not capable of giving donations in big checks....
Momofuku Roasted Brussels Sprouts and a Weekend in New York 12 Nov 2012 | 08:45 am
Last week Walmart politely gave everyone a heads up that Black Friday will be starting at 8pm Thanksgiving evening. How rude! The memo was like waking up to an alarm clock at 3am, making me aware that...
News Corp. Reports $125K In 2011 Political Donations 17 Jul 2011 | 06:46 am
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Under assault in a phone hacking scandal, News Corp. has met a self-imposed deadline for reporting its 2011 political contributions online. On Friday, the media company reported a lit...
Shades of Solyndra 10 Jan 2013 | 04:25 am
Maybe I'm just a conspiracy nut, but, I've got to wonder if this loan is payoff for political donations to the O'bummer campaign.
Property Developers to be Banned from NSW Labor Party 5 Jul 2013 | 07:37 am
For a long time I have been strongly opposed to the NSW State Government’s decision to ban property developers, hoteliers and tobacco companies from making political donations. While electoral funding...
With effect from 7/11/2013, Companies, societies and trade unions making an annual return are required to disclose all political donations in excess of €200 in the aggregate. This has been severely r...
Ending Political Tobacco Donations May Not Be So Easy 22 Aug 2013 | 06:23 am
As the federal election campaign moves along, news comes today that Kevin Rudd intends to reform party political donations, and ban such from tobacco companies should he win the September 7th poll. R...