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More wamp vhosts setting related news:
Setting or overriding PHP configuration in PHP-FPM (pool) configurations 12 May 2012 | 02:16 am
I’ve recently been working on some very different parallel projects on a development server i have and came across a situation where i needed to have one vhost/site for the LDAP GUI GOsa on the server...
Setting up a WordPress Test Server on Windows with WAMP 16 Apr 2012 | 07:33 am
Whether you just want to play with WordPress without investing in a hosting plan, or plan on building and testing a WordPress site offline, WordPress can easily be install locally on your Windows comp...
Setting up virtual hosts in apache on a windows machine 22 Feb 2009 | 09:28 am
Navigate to your apache folder and find the conf folder (for WAMP this is C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache{version number here}\conf\ by default, for xampp this is C:\xampp\apache\conf\ by default) Next open...
How To Install Magento On Localhost Without URL Validation Error 16 Feb 2011 | 09:28 am
If you have ever tried to set-up a localhost install of the Magento e-Commerce system for development purposes using WAMP, XAMPP you may have already run into the problem of URL / Domain validation ha...
Featured Content Gallery on Localhost WAMP 13 Sep 2011 | 03:17 am
I was trying to test and set-up the Featured Content Gallery plugin for a client using a Localhost WAMP stack on Windows and it would not work. After doing some digging I found out it will not work ...
PHP & MySQL Settings for Comfortable Working Environment in WAMP 27 Feb 2012 | 07:33 am
When working in WAMP, you may like to change the PHP & MySQL settings, so that you don’t get into frequent troubles in the Development environment. The most difficult task is to know which “php.ini” f...
2.4. Membuat Form Anggota dengan Menggunakan NetBeans 5 May 2012 | 04:08 pm
1. Membuat Tabel Anggota pada Database Perpustakaan C:\Documents and Settings\Toshiba>cd\ C:\>cd wamp\mysql\bin\ C:\wamp\mysql\bin>mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. C...
Setting up your localhost as 15 Jun 2008 | 10:39 am
Often times when people install WAMP [or LAMP] stacks on their machines, they’ll commonly use http://localhost/ to access their local server. I did so for years until I started working with dynamic su...
How to set up email with WAMP 26 Apr 2012 | 10:48 pm
Development sites and production sites; host and local servers When I develop a new website, say for my blog, I set up a mock version on my laptop. In techy-speak, I am using a “development site” on ...
Set Up Your Own Local WAMP Webserver With WordPress 12 Feb 2010 | 03:41 pm
When you start designing WordPress themes it becomes a real hassle to constantly upload files to your web server to see if your latest tweak did what you wanted it to. And what happens when your late...