Most warlock blog warcraft related news are at:

Peacebloom 9 Aug 2009 | 12:00 pm
I don't know about your server, but this still might look familiar: What's wrong with these people---such cries for attention, such display of low self-esteem. It's so easy to join in the "anon" fuc...
Down the Hatch, Down the Line 4 Aug 2009 | 03:11 am
Ugh, Monday. If I wasn't so awsum, I'd hate to face Mondays like the rest of you. It's weird to me---are Tuesdays like our Mondays for our characters? Do they wake up on Tuesday reset with their hai...
More warlock blog warcraft related news:
Blizzard sorgt sich um die Wahrnehmung von WoW 26 Mar 2012 | 07:39 pm
World of Warcraft wird immer einfacher, Handcore-Spieler sind nicht mehr die Zielgruppe und Mists of Pandaria der Kniefall vor den “Casuals” – so oder so ähnlich wird in Blogs und Foren die Entwicklun...
How did we end up here? 30 Jun 2011 | 04:37 pm
Ultimately we seem to always end up here. The question is, where exactly is here? A defunct world of warcraft guild blog? Or is it something more? Clicks lead to revelations. But sometimes they just ...
WOW Crusher 31 Oct 2011 | 01:56 am
Welcome in WOWCrusher.Info Blog The Golden Guide To Play World of Warcraft is a land of elites Like a Gurus. WOW Crusher is Gold Guide is Created By Markco and Kevin Show The Top Secrets To Dominate ...
8 Ways Blogging is Like Playing World of Warcraft 5 Sep 2010 | 02:45 pm
Anyone who has played World Of Warcraft before knows about the stigmas: No social life, no social skills, Living in a fantasy world, 100% pure addiction. If you haven’t played, you may have even tho...
ASGF09 Live Blog: Licence2Play & ASGF09 Firstday 23 May 2009 | 03:27 am
Không phải là ngày đầu của L2P nhưng là ngày đầu Q.9 tham gia L2P, khách tham dự L2P khá đông với khá nhiều nhãn hiệu Game và hảng điện tử nổi tiếng như: LG, Samsung… Audtion, World Of Warcraft etc. ...
OOC Blog 21 Oct 2011 | 05:25 am
it may not be World of Warcraft, but you can check out my OOC blog here. I've got a brand new post - 100% epic truth - all ready and waiting for you. Check it out: http://mortiganthewarlock.blogspot...
How to Change Warlock Pet Name 24 Mar 2011 | 09:20 pm
Can you change Warlock Pet Names in World of Warcraft Cataclysm? Yes, you can, but it's gonna cost you. Here's how to change the name of your Warlock pet: Go to a Demon Trainer, usually next to a Wa...
Continued Presence 4 Apr 2011 | 10:57 am
From the first post that I wrote in January 2010, I fell in love with the blogging community; specifically I find the World of Warcraft blogging community is spectacularly warm and welcoming. I have r...
I’m baaaaaack! 19 Mar 2011 | 03:32 am
Both to blogging, AND to World of Warcraft! That only took me a few, painful months to get around to making a phone call that took me about five minutes to finish. But, the guy was really cute. Well,...
Cassandri Gets Gabbing 25 Feb 2012 | 08:07 pm
Meet Zivanci the Warlock #2 I’ve struggled to get back into World of Warcraft for the past year. Most of my attempts have been failures and I just wasn’t having fun. The game has changed (mostly for ...