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Windows 8.1 Preview on a Late 2009 MacBook 9 Jul 2013 | 03:53 pm
It’s not as crazy as it sounds at first. I have one of these plastic unibody Late 2009 MacBooks. Like many, I’m stuck with it because the plastic cracked like crazy… something that the whole unibody ...
Kickstarter Draft: Fighting Road Rage & Fraud with a Dash Cam for Normal People 22 Jun 2013 | 08:39 am
After someone tried to "whack" me on the road today, I'm taking some time to spark innovation out of it. Let's make a dash cam that's cheap, easy to build, and easy to deter morons from wanting to eng...
More warranty direct related news:
Top 10 safest cars in 2011 8 Nov 2011 | 04:44 pm
British Journal of What Car? Posted the top 10 most reliable car models for 2010 Security rating is made jointly by experts from the magazine What Car? Company and Warranty Direct, providing (and pay...
Carro menos fiável do mundo 18 Sep 2011 | 11:57 am
Um estudo da Warranty Direct, uma seguradora britânica, deu origem a uma lista dos piores e menos fiáveis componente que se estragam com maior frequência num automóvel e em que modelos. Reunindo esses...
Mitsubishi Lancer – лидер по надежности 24 Dec 2012 | 01:53 pm
Британский страховой оператор Warranty Direct опубликовал свою статистику по наименее аварийным автомобилям. Выяснилось, что среди всех застрахованных в Warranty Direct авто, за последние 15 лет реже ...
V Británii poskladali najhoršie auto na svete 13 Jul 2011 | 07:31 pm
Ak by doktor Frankenstein skonštruoval auto, vyzeralo by ako Monster Mk1 - virtuálne auto poskladané expertmi britskej spoločnosti Warranty Direct, ktorá sa zaoberá predajom predĺžených záruk.
Выявили самого надежного среди подержанных автомобилей 31 Jul 2013 | 02:29 pm
Mitsubishi Lancer признан самой надежной моделью среди подержанных автомобилей по данным британского издания What Car? и компании Warranty Direct. В рамках исследования были проанализированы статистич...
Is your warranty about to expire? 16 Aug 2013 | 06:04 pm
Automotive specialist Warranty Direct have reported that more than one in two used cars on the roads break down as the car reaches the 60-70k mileage, the analysis o...
Qualifying for an Extended Warranty 26 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
You can buy a used car warranty directly from a warranty company. However, not all cars qualify. For example, will not cover model years more than seven years old or cars with more ...
More vehicles failing at 100,000kms 20 Aug 2013 | 07:10 pm
Results of an important survey by UK-based company Warranty Direct show more and more cars are breaking down around the 100,000 kms mark. This is the point when many manufacturer warranties expire – o...
Honda. Número en fiabilidad en UK 26 Jul 2013 | 06:40 pm
Luego nos quejamos...... -------- Autoblog Spanish... Honda lidera el índice de fiabilidad en Reino Unido Desde hace ya más de una década, Warranty Direct, una compañía dedicada a dar garantías so...
WTS LG F5 LTE non cam (white) 27 Aug 2013 | 11:07 am
Used about 1month only. Bought from arrow coms for 498. Selling for 420 with screen protection on. 1 year warranty direct by LG Comes with a card that certify all phone camera removed and filled up e...