Most warrior tank leveling guide related news are at:

Frost Lotus Droprate Increased 19 Feb 2010 | 07:22 am
Listed below are recent fixes we have applied to the game. Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the realm has been restarted. To review previous in-game fixes, please...
Hey You! From HoR Yesterday! 17 Feb 2010 | 08:48 am
Does line of sight mean anything to you? I mean, the mob that’s killing you is at range. How hard is this? Answer: Pretty damn hard apparently. It’s a pretty sad state of affairs in my opinion whe...
More warrior tank leveling guide related news:
Diablo 3 Monk Walkthrough 12 Apr 2012 | 10:30 pm
This Diablo 3 Monk Leveling Guide gives a brief overview covering the basics. Not exactly a warrior or paladin type, and definitely dissimilar to priests, Monks are a new breed of MMO gaming experienc...
WOW Leveling Guide 2 Feb 2012 | 06:00 am
The 3 Most Sticky WOW Leveling Guides Ranked Best to Worst Rating: 10/10 Features: Ease Of Use: Effectiveness: Customer Support: Right Selection of Weapons WOW Warrior Guide WOW Tailoring G...
Warrior Leveling Guide 25 May 2011 | 01:48 pm
Our Warrior leveling page has been updated. Pre-Cataclysm bits have been removed. We have races, professions, stats info, arms and fury builds, and even heirloom items. Check it out and leave comment...
Warrior Leveling Guide 15 Dec 2010 | 12:37 pm
Some players really enjoy tanking and see no problem in leveling their Warrior as a Protection Warrior. Shield Slam and Revenge do decent damage and also Shockwave is nice at later levels. If you want...
WoW Warrior Leveling Guide – Power Level A Warrior 7 Jan 2011 | 10:38 am
Every WoW player needs to know how to level a warrior and other characters the fastest way possible if you’re serious about moving upwards but how do you do this? Here’s a great WoW Warrior Leveling G...
Profession Guide – Warrior 6 Aug 2010 | 01:31 pm
Warriors are the main tanking class in World of Warcraft but they can also be good dps, depending on the spec they choose. They wear mail armor while leveling and on the 40th level they get to wear pl...
Profession Guide – Paladin 22 Jul 2010 | 02:04 pm
Paladins are one of the hybrid classes in World of Warcraft. This means that they can be tanks, healers or melee dpsers. While leveling Pallas wear mail armor until the 40th level and after they are e...
Fury 85 Warrior Cataclysm Power Leveling Build Guide 28 Nov 2010 | 01:12 pm
This is the 1 to 85 Fury power leveling build guide for Warriors in WoW Cataclysm as of patch 4.0.6. The fury tree is a great tree for leveling as you can take on many mobs at once or dps the sh** ou...
Warrior Leveling - Mists of Pandaria - Zygor Guide 20 Nov 2012 | 12:06 am
The saga continues.... I've been leveling my warrior this past week, unfortunately I really didn't get much time in, i'm guessing maybe 4-5 hours in the last week. I am level 86 though :) The good n...