Most was ist dealing desk related news are at:

Analystenschätzungen vs. tatsächliche Zahlen 26 Aug 2013 | 11:19 am
Hi Leute, ich werde nicht wirklich fündig: kennt jemand hilfreiche Links, wenn ich mir ansehen möchte wie bei den letzten X Quartalszahlen die Analystenschätzungen zu einem Unternehmen waren? Im Idea...
Trading oder Ahndelsjournal gesucht 14 Aug 2013 | 05:54 pm
Hallo liebe Forum Mitglieder! War lange Zeit nicht mehr hier aus versch. privaten Gründen wie zweifache Herz OP und dann Not OP usw. Habe eine Frage und eine GROSSE Bitte an euch. Ich würde ein ausf...
More was ist dealing desk related news: 22 Feb 2012 | 08:28 pm
Компания Forex4you предоставляет высокотехнологичный и профессиональный сервис. Выбирая Forex4you своим брокером, Вы получаете самый доступный вариант выхода на рынок по технологии No Dealing Desk c и...
Fxcc front 1 Jan 2011 | 01:00 pm
Recommended Forex Broker FXCC NO DEALING DESK - NO INTERVENTION No dealing desk broker means we never trade against you. FXCC Price Aggregator shows the best Bid/Ask prices to trade. ...
About Us 1 Jul 2011 | 09:08 pm
True 8 Fx is a regulated Straight Through Processing forex broker. With no dealing desk, we provide seamless execution and direct market access to a deep source of liquidity provided by the world's l...
Why TRUE 8 FX ? 2 Jul 2011 | 12:21 am
Regulated by IBC and SIBA Fast and reliable execution Multi-bank liquidity and pricing Award winning Metatrader 4 platform No dealing desk Leverage up to 500:1 Full access to MT4 with even with ...
1LotStp Forex Difference 7 Jan 2012 | 11:29 pm
Multiple Account type choices Including Futures, Options, Metals 60 + pairs Including Futures, Options, Metals We don’t trade against clients No Dealing Desk FAST EXECUTION Easy Withdraws Accept Credi...
Forex Club Broker Review 8 Nov 2010 | 10:38 am
Year Founded: 2005 Locations: Staten Island, New York Average Spreads: 3-5 pips Minimum Account Size: $10 Leverage: 100:1 Accepts US Clients: YES Regulated By: NFA, CFTC Dealing Desk: YES Comp...
dbfx Forex Broker Review 7 Nov 2010 | 09:24 am
Year Founded: 2006 Location: London Average Spread: 2 pips Minimum Account Size: $5,000 USD Leverage: 100:1 Accepts US Clients: Yes Regulated By: UKFSA, BaFin Dealing Desk: Yes Broker Overview...
FxOptimax 16 Feb 2012 | 12:21 am
FxOptimax adalah salah satu Broker forex yang banyak dipakai oleh trader Indonesia, FxOptimax termasuk Broker STP/Non Dealing Desk dengan counterparty FX Bank kelas Internasional seperti Deutsche Bank...
No Dealing Desk съобщение 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Уважаеми клиенти, както ви уведомихме миналата седмица, "Варчев Финанс" е в процес на преминаване към "No Dealing Desk" рутиране на клиентските поръчки. Този процес ще отнеме около седмица, в която се...
NDD изпълнение на ордери 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Ние от „Варчев Финанс“ винаги се стремим да въвеждаме и предлагаме на Вас, нашите клиенти най-модерния и високотехнологичен финансов сервиз. Ето защо, пристъпваме към поетапно No Dealing Desk (NDD) и...