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Washington state marijuana laws go up in smoke 7 Dec 2012 | 06:21 am Washington state marijuana laws go up in smoke. From December 6, it’s legal in Washington state to possess up to one ounce of marijuana. The only problem? Th...
Washington State Bunker 30 Apr 2012 | 07:10 am
Heavily fortified bunker of Washington state murder suspect US law enforcement blew the roof off the hideout in Washington state on April 28, and inside reportedly found Keller’s body. Keller is susp...
san diego lemon law attorneys (San Diego ) 3 Sep 2011 | 11:26 am
Welcome to the California Auto Fraud Legal Center Our goal is to get your car bought back by the dealer or manufacturer, getting you all your money back. Rosner, Barry & Babbitt, LLP is the state’s l...
Extra DUI patrols planned for Cinco de Mayo 5 May 2012 | 09:56 am
Public Health – Seattle & King County has announced that extra DUI patrols will be out this Cinco de Mayo weekend: Thirty-three local law enforcement agencies, the Washington State Liquor Control Boa...
Court OKs sex between teachers, 18-year-olds 15 Jan 2009 | 03:11 am
Washington state law does not bar teachers from having consensual sex with 18-year-old students, an appeals court ruled Tuesday in dismissing a case against a former high school choir teacher.
Washington State’s Unemployment Insurance Overpayment Scandal and Employment Law: The Facts 18 Jan 2012 | 09:49 am
By Andrew Latham. The scandal of overpaid unemployed workers that recently hit the news has not spared the state of Washington. According to the Obama administration unemployed workers were overpaid o...
Engel Law Group, P. S. 21 Oct 2011 | 08:47 am
Since 2004, Engel Law Group, P.S. has serviced the communities of Seattle and Puget Sound in Washington State. Our firm provides a high level of personal care and professionalism to those facing overw...
Driving Under the Influence 2 Nov 2010 | 09:37 am
According to Washington State law a Driving Under the Influence charge, or commonly referred to as a DUI, means operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of or affected by alcohol or drugs, ...
Washington DUI Laws 15 Nov 2010 | 05:01 pm
The State of Washington has strict laws for driving under the influence (DUI). In the state of Washington, DUI includes alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, inhalants, and even some prescription drugs. If you...
Lemon Vehicle? Consult an Attorney for a Positive Claim 18 May 2012 | 04:54 pm
Have you recently purchased a vehicle that is failing to work properly? Well, if so then, despair not, as the lemon law in your state is there to protect you from the adversities. Designed by the fede...